Confused About Runs....

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Junior Guinea Pig
Sep 15, 2015
Reaction score
Brecon Beacons, UK
Hi all, Quick question, if I have a 2x4 grid cage for two piggies then how big does a run need to be? I know the general answer is going to be as big as it can be.... however hypothetically,a 2x5 'run' is not hugely bigger than a 2x4 cage.... so if that was all you could fit in I don't see it would enrich them much... have I missed something?

In reality I can and will have a larger run (size, shape and design still being considered!). I am planning two pigs in a 2x4 with a 2x2 loft. How much run time is ideal and how soon do we start doing it? I work from home so they could be in a run most of the day in the same room as me (I work at the dining room table in an open plan lounge/diner).

I am trying to work out if there is a way I can link a run with their cage via a tunnel in some way that they can get use from both in the day time then the run and tunnel be packed up in the evening/night time... has anyone done this? I have looked through the gallery but can't see anything. Alternatively how could I do it? bearing in mind the run and tunnel would need to be minimal size for storage.... and minimal price to appease the husband!

Then we get to outside time... how cold is too cold for them? what about rain (I live in Wales - there is a lot of rain!)
We use some c&c grids held together with cable ties for a temporary run we set up and take down it normal is 7x6 for four piggies.

For a pair 5x5 would be a great size I would think

Our girls live in a 2x9 c&c and get run time for around 24 hours once a week.
Hi. I live in North Wales and yes, it does raina lot! Piggies should be kept dry and out of draughts. The usual recommendation is to bring them indoors or into an insulated shed when the average temperature falls below 15 degrees C. Some folks do manage with covered hutches in sheltered surroundings with plenty of warm bedding and cosies for their piggies, but I would say that a shed offers more protection from the weather and predators. Improvising indoor runs from grids, small animal fencing etc can be lots of fun. I have seen a hole cut in the side of a cage with round tunneling connecting it with a run, but can only guess how they did it.....I am useless at DIY.
If you meant time in a covered run in the garden, then keep to the warmest part of the day, make sure the grass is dry, that they have shelter and there is no cold wind blowing. Do cover properly, cats and birds of prey will take full advantage otherwise!
There may be some warmish days over the next couple of weeks that would allow you to pop your piggies out for a while. Do read the advice about grass time though, and make sure no dogs have peed on the grass area. :nod:
Hi all, Quick question, if I have a 2x4 grid cage for two piggies then how big does a run need to be? I know the general answer is going to be as big as it can be.... however hypothetically,a 2x5 'run' is not hugely bigger than a 2x4 cage.... so if that was all you could fit in I don't see it would enrich them much... have I missed something?

In reality I can and will have a larger run (size, shape and design still being considered!). I am planning two pigs in a 2x4 with a 2x2 loft. How much run time is ideal and how soon do we start doing it? I work from home so they could be in a run most of the day in the same room as me (I work at the dining room table in an open plan lounge/diner).

I am trying to work out if there is a way I can link a run with their cage via a tunnel in some way that they can get use from both in the day time then the run and tunnel be packed up in the evening/night time... has anyone done this? I have looked through the gallery but can't see anything. Alternatively how could I do it? bearing in mind the run and tunnel would need to be minimal size for storage.... and minimal price to appease the husband!

Then we get to outside time... how cold is too cold for them? what about rain (I live in Wales - there is a lot of rain!)

Yes. I have a set-up with a tunnel. I'll take a photo of it all set up as it is right now... hang on...
Then I'll explain how I made it :)
Righty :)
This is the set-up. As you can see the run reaches from one of the top levels there. That's because the cage is split into two pairs of piggies - they don't all get on.
Ignore that white thing please, it was an alteration that I will undo when I get round to it.

So, we have a run from top for Freddie and Oreo.
Sunrise and Penny live in the bottom sections of the cage. The door of their cage right at the bottom can be completely lowered, and the PVC tablecloth and fleece that I use as the base of the pen can lie on top of that, making an extended bottom level for them.

Concentrating on the ramp, it's drain-pipe cut to length, covered with padded fleece for grip. I recommend using Vet-Bed, which I would have done if I had known about it at the time. Using the rubber-backed VetBed gives good grip on ramps plus better grip for the piggies climbing up and down it.
The covering of the ramp is plastic garden mesh.
I have the top section velcroed on so that I can easily remove the fleece-pad for washing.

The top of the ramp is surrounded by a piece of wire mesh, fixed to the drain-pipe by way of drilling small holes into the pipe and twisting paperclips round it. Equally you could use plastic ties, but wire is chew-proof.

That green thing is a plastic-coated paperclip, but the photo didn't come out well.
The photo shows, in this instance, how I attached the garden mesh to the drain pipe.

The ramp fixes to the cage by way of key-ring clips.
Hope you can see what I mean by the photos :)
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As for run time itself and size you raise a good point. It's recommended on the assumption that runs are larger than cages, but even if that's not the case, setting up a run for them gives them opportunity to break their day up, give them something else to do, and for many people it's a good time to interact with the piggies. Run time is all about extra enrichment, whether that be space, different toys, interaction.... :)
@Critter that's an impressive ramp. What's the gradient? Is it always open so the pigs have access 24/7? If not, how do you close the ramp at the top?
Wow @Critter seriously impressive... Our little pumpkins don't like ramps :( I wish they would because something like that is great
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