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Confused About Gradients For Panacur?


Teenage Guinea Pig
May 7, 2017
Reaction score
East Midlands
Hi guys
Our rabbits are being treated with Panacur paste on gradient each per day, but I'm super confused about the gradient malarkey, on the phone the vet said they need one gradient which is a line to a line but the instructions said it's per bump, so it's a bump to a bump but that's only one line, if that makes sense,which is it? A line to a line or a bump to a bump? so I've been doing bump to bump and now that the course is nearly over we haven't even used a full paste tube and the vet gave us two tubes so I am now worried I haven't been giving them enough paste each day?
Okay, We did accidentally spray some of it on my partner trying to get it open, and after 4 days work for the two of them we've got about 4 gradients left, so maybe we're actually on track?
We've been doing it Line to line, But the lines kind of go above then below on our tube, Dont know if thats the general tube style which is what was throwing me to begin with,I didnt know if you had to chose the above or below set of lines, or alternate. But I'm now thinking you have to alternate.

Ive been reading that generally a course of panacur is 7-9 days, But my vet has only advised 5 days, do you think that's long enough?