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Conflicted on neutering


Junior Guinea Pig
Dec 17, 2016
Reaction score
Northern Ireland UK
Hi all! I think at this point I’ve managed to read about 100 articles/stories/threads on boar neutering and I’m still very conflicted.

For background I rescued a lovely little boar who was found on the side of the road (someone had literally thrown him out) so he was definitely an unexpected addition! I never wanted a boar as I have two unspayed ladies. The plan was to fatten him up and send him on his way until we found out he has issues (broken jaw that lead to a malformed mouth and missing toes) that means he needs to be a special needs baby for life. Plus his personality really came out and we all love him now!

I wanted to neuter him so he could live with my ladies but now I’ve read so many stories of death/abscesses etc that I’m terrified that I’m making a selfish decision and risking his life. Would it be better to try get him a home with another single boar? (I can’t take on another boar sadly - my room is already 90% piggy cage)

I plan on phoning my vet tomorrow and asking what they think is best, I live in Northern Ireland so sadly there’s no cavy savvy vets although mine has been very good, I’ve (luckily) never had to deal with surgery.

If I do go through with the surgery how can I prepare best? He’s estimated to be around 6 months old and he’s around 900g so I think he’s old/heavy enough. I’ve already got lots of white towels to put down, a snuggle safe heat pad (side note with the summer heat would I still need to leave this in with him post surgery?), critical care and fibreplex. I plan to ask for gut stimulants and a course of baytril as I’ve read that it can stop abscesses forming. Any other advice? Thanks so much xx
How lovely that you’ve taken him in.

First, speak to your vet about their confidence in neutering him.
Secondly, you are going to find more bad stories than good ones - people come to ask for help
after an issue but very few people will make a post to say their neuter went well therefore you get a disproportionate view.

Another thing to consider is that at his age bonding him with another boar now is the hardest time to do it. It’s not impossible but his hormones are now raging and it can make things harder. If he was in a rescue here he would most likely be neutered and bonded with a sow(s).

Neutered / De-sexed Boars And Neutering Operations: Myths, Facts and Post-op Care
We had a boy neutered by a generalist vet at the age of about 4 and in truth after a day it was like nothing had happened. Of course I was nervous but he came through fine. He only lived for another year or so but he was so delighted to meet his little sow that it was definitely worthwhile for him! They were a truly happy couple 💕
Great news.
When Micah finally was allowed to join his ladies to say he was excited is a major understatement!
Hope your boy heals well and has as much fun as Micah.
He’s a very lucky boy to have found a home with you