Conflict behaviour - should I be worried


New Born Pup
Aug 29, 2022
Reaction score
Hi all
I got 2 sows (sisters) about 3 weeks ago. They have never been best of friends (e.g. cuddling together) but they seemed to get along. Since this morning they are constantly disagreeing. I don’t believe it’s fighting but they are not happy with each other. I thought that any dominance activities would have been done in the first week so I’m not sure if this is a dominance challenge or something else. Can anyone let me know what is happening from the video? Do I need to be concerned?

Peegie disagreements

P.s. Volume a bit low in the video as I didn't want to get too close. There was also the rumbling sound from 1 that you can't really hear.
Firstly what a great cage set up.

It looks very much to me like one of them may be having a strong season, and they are having a little 'chat' about who is the boss piggy right now.
This is most definitely not fighting.
And 90% of guinea pigs never 'cuddle' or even choose to sleep together, so your set up which gives so many options for this is great.

What you could do in the short term (for the next day or so) is remove a couple of the hides (the circus tent for example) and only leave things in with 2 entrances/exits (like the tunnels).
Also opening up a bit of floor space will give both of them the chance to get away if they feel a bit unsure.
I would also add another large hay area somewhere, as hay is a brilliant distraction.
But overall I don't think you have anything to worry about.