Confidence Building And Floor Time Advice

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Chloe B

Junior Guinea Pig
Nov 30, 2015
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United Kingdom

I was wondering if anyone can give me advice regarding a few things...

I have two male Guinea pigs, they are 4 months old and I've had them about two months. They are my first pigs. They are in a 5x2 c&c cage and so far I've been getting them out most days for a quick handle - one of them is a bit of a biter and I can't hold him for more than 60 seconds! He gets very agitated. He won't take veg, however he will take it from my hand whilst in the cage. The other is lovely and will sit happy on my knee so long as I'm feeding veg. I stroke him constantly during this 5-10 min lap time. I routinely feed veg by hand am and pm, confident one runs to the side for it, the other has only just started coming out of his hidey to get from my hand. So making progress.

My bf has just made an indoor run so we can get them out and put them down in a safe secure floor area for "floor time". I haven't tried it out yet as we only did this today ... I'm hoping my stressed piggy will be happier when I hold him if I can put him down. My question is, am I ok to sit in this floor space with them and offer them veg by hand and try move away from feeding in cage? Or will I scare them by being right there with them? Should I sit outside of the area? Please see my picture below of the set up so far...

Handling them hasn't been an easy task for me. I'm concerned that I haven't clipped their nails, I know I wouldnt be able to do it with the skittish one cause holding him still is a nightmare and he bites hard I feel like I can't do anything with him really.

Final query is that they appear to be bickering more than ever just the last two weeks. Much more vocal with each other and lot of rumbling. At first it was just quiet chasing and nudging but seems more heated now. Does it sound like I may need to separate them or should I give more time?

All advice appreciated, thank you!

P.s the set up is slightly weird due to it being in a spare bedroom where there is furniture in there that can't be taken out!

I was wondering if anyone can give me advice regarding a few things...

I have two male Guinea pigs, they are 4 months old and I've had them about two months. They are my first pigs. They are in a 5x2 c&c cage and so far I've been getting them out most days for a quick handle - one of them is a bit of a biter and I can't hold him for more than 60 seconds! He gets very agitated. He won't take veg, however he will take it from my hand whilst in the cage. The other is lovely and will sit happy on my knee so long as I'm feeding veg. I stroke him constantly during this 5-10 min lap time. I routinely feed veg by hand am and pm, confident one runs to the side for it, the other has only just started coming out of his hidey to get from my hand. So making progress.

My bf has just made an indoor run so we can get them out and put them down in a safe secure floor area for "floor time". I haven't tried it out yet as we only did this today ... I'm hoping my stressed piggy will be happier when I hold him if I can put him down. My question is, am I ok to sit in this floor space with them and offer them veg by hand and try move away from feeding in cage? Or will I scare them by being right there with them? Should I sit outside of the area? Please see my picture below of the set up so far...

Handling them hasn't been an easy task for me. I'm concerned that I haven't clipped their nails, I know I wouldnt be able to do it with the skittish one cause holding him still is a nightmare and he bites hard I feel like I can't do anything with him really.

Final query is that they appear to be bickering more than ever just the last two weeks. Much more vocal with each other and lot of rumbling. At first it was just quiet chasing and nudging but seems more heated now. Does it sound like I may need to separate them or should I give more time?

All advice appreciated, thank you!

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For handling tips:
How To Understand Guinea Pig Instincts And Speak Piggy Body Language

As to roaming tips: sprinkle any new open area with plenty of hideys close to each other, so the piggies can explore from a safe base. Open areas instinctively mean exposure to potential predators; that instinct goes very deep. You can use stools, cardboard boxes, paper bags, tunnels etc. give them time to become confident, which may take a little while.
Thanks! I have a stool which I sit on in there so I can put that in and don't worry I will be filling with plenty of things not leaving it open like that. Is it ok?
Fabulous set up.
Not all piggies like being handled, but be persistent and patient with them as they are young and hormonal! If picking up is difficult perhaps invest in a small cosy that you can shoo him into and then pick him up. I still do that with one of mine who had been very rarely handled before I adopted her. Don't be disheartened - if it's working with one piggy you are on the right tracks.
Fabulous set up.
Not all piggies like being handled, but be persistent and patient with them as they are young and hormonal! If picking up is difficult perhaps invest in a small cosy that you can shoo him into and then pick him up. I still do that with one of mine who had been very rarely handled before I adopted her. Don't be disheartened - if it's working with one piggy you are on the right tracks.

Thank you! I do have a cosy which I tried using with him before but he didn't like it and he just kept headbutting and trying to jump out. I pick them up by hand all the time as I struggled getting them into tubes etc. I just hope they are happy!
Hi, I just adopted my first guinea pig 5 days ago. His name is Jorge. He is 3 years old and I dont know what kind of upbringing we had before. Apparently he came to the shelter not in the best condition. Anyways, i have been reading a lot about all the things that I should be doing for him and at the same time about how I should let him be for a while. So I dont know what to do...he is super skittish and runs away from me almost all the time. If I want to give him floor time, first comes a very stressful process of trying to pick him up. I cant brush him or check his bum and ears if I cant pick him up. And I cant give him floor time if he wont let me move him to the play pen. I created a wood ramp for him to come out of his cage into the play pen where I put a hidey and hay; but he wont use it....should I just wait? Any advice?
Hi, I just adopted my first guinea pig 5 days ago. His name is Jorge. He is 3 years old and I dont know what kind of upbringing we had before. Apparently he came to the shelter not in the best condition. Anyways, i have been reading a lot about all the things that I should be doing for him and at the same time about how I should let him be for a while. So I dont know what to do...he is super skittish and runs away from me almost all the time. If I want to give him floor time, first comes a very stressful process of trying to pick him up. I cant brush him or check his bum and ears if I cant pick him up. And I cant give him floor time if he wont let me move him to the play pen. I created a wood ramp for him to come out of his cage into the play pen where I put a hidey and hay; but he wont use it....should I just wait? Any advice?

Congratulations on your new pig! As far as I know they can take weeks or even months to fully settle into a new home. Patience is the key. Talk softly to him and get him used to your voice and your smell as much as possible before handling a lot. Put your hand in the cage and let him sniff you, hand feed veg, get him to realise that your hand isn't just for picking up.

Regarding ramps, I was advised that they don't like them, especially if They don't have sides to them. I don't use ramps, just a single level cage. They need to feel secure and safe and that they won't fall or be dropped etc.

I do feel your pain as I have had my baby boys 2 months now, and I am literally only jut getting to grips with things myself and only just seeing minor improvement in confidence and handling etc. All I can say is persevere, be kind and gentle and get them used to you. There are some brilliant starter threads on here about handling and Guinea body language etc that I recommend you view. They have been helpful to me.

As for picking up, they generally don't like being picked up. You can either shoo them into a tube or cosy and pick them up like that, or back them into a corner and scoop them up. It's just about being confident, kind and gentle but asserting your dominance. Try avoid chasing around the cage with hands for ages if you can.

Good luck and don't worry you will get there!
Cool Thanks. I will keep reading. I dont mind waiting; I just dont want to neglect all the other things that I need to do for him just because he does not trust me yet. Thanks a lot!
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