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Concerning Stuey

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jan 12, 2015
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I have been a little concerned watching one of my boys, Stuey, because I've been noticing teeth grinding quite a lot of the time. It's not aggressive teeth chattering like experienced when we first introduced him to our new piggy Poe, but more like he is grinding them a lot. My mum noticed it and now I'm always hearing him do it. I know this can be sign of pain, but really he seems fine in his behaviour.
We have seen some other symptoms though.
The other day he had a little bit of white crustyness around his eyes - we wiped it off and it hasn't come back since. We thought he could have a URI except that he honestly seems fine, but I was getting myself very worried. However, the teeth grinding hasn't ceased.

As mentioned before he has recently been introduced to a new piggy, and though they seem to get along well enough now, Stuey was left with two scabs on his nose, and some of his hair pulled out. Last night though, in lap time my mum discovered that some of his hair was coming out but still with a bit of scabby skin attached to it. He didn't seem to have many of these spots but he had a few, and though he was totally loving the petting we did notice him squeaking loudly if we poked around in those areas.

He seems to be eating fine and though i have seen scratching, i can't be sure whether it is more than usual.

I keep thinking - it could be nothing, just left over wounds from fighting with Poe or it could be something. Having lost his brother I am very worried and concerned even though he does seem fine. Could it be something like a vitamin C deficiency, URI or even Mange Mites?
Sorry, but i have been watching the boys intently and now I'm starting to think that both of them are scratching a lot! I don't know whether I am being paranoid though...
Is it possible to post a photo of the scabby bits and hair loss?
I have tried to look at Stuey today and no more hair seemed to be falling out and no more scabby bits - so that's good. But I am still concerned amount the amount of scratching both are doing and it does look a little bit like Stuey's hair has thinned in some places, buts its hard to tell because his hair is so fine and he has so much of it! I am going to keep an eye on it and if i notice anymore i will take photos.

Also, (and i'm not sure if anyone will be able to help with this) i noticed these small insect/bug type things in the corner of one of their wooden hideys. We found them once before when the boys lived outside and got very concerned, but couldn't work out what they were (the wooden hides were in the hutch at the time). I didn't think to take photos this time but i may have some from before. They are like small little tear drop wormy things but with an outer shell that has ridges on it, so they kind of look more like a larvae of some sort except they definitely move (albeit - very, very slowly by sort of wriggling along). I know thats a terrible description but basically i though at first they were little bits of broken off pine needles in the cage. Could this be something contributing to whatever may or may not be happening?
Update: there is definitely something affecting my guinea pigs! it could be lice as I'm noticing dandruff, lots of scratching and quite deep self inflicted scratches and scabs. I also noticed tiny little white coloured bugs in Stuey's hair. I am currently charging my phone to take pictures.

Edit: i can't get photos. I am now pretty convinced they have lice - what should i do? Should i take them to the vet or can i use a topical treatment like advantage without taking them?
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i think a vet trip is in order. That way you should be able to get a definite answer as to what exactly is going on! good luck!
I'm just very worried because my family have hit some financial times and want to avoid going to the vet at all costs. We just spent a fortune for our last guinea pig and it was to no avail - and for this reason my parents don't want to take him to the vet if it's at all avoidable... (exotic pet vets are very expensive near us).
I'm just very worried because my family have hit some financial times and want to avoid going to the vet at all costs. We just spent a fortune for our last guinea pig and it was to no avail - and for this reason my parents don't want to take him to the vet if it's at all avoidable... (exotic pet vets are very expensive near us).
i don't have any experience with guinea pig lice- sorry :( I'm sure someone else on here might have some info and advice!
You could try emailing Chrissy at Gorgeous Guineas - she is very knowledgable and helpful. :)
Unfortunately, my parents are convinced it is just a case of fur mites that some revolution could fix. This might be the case but the scabs are still concerning. Here is a picture i managed to get of the bits of hair with scabs on them - this is Stuey's, Poe seems to have none of these though he does scratch a lot as well.

I desperately want to take them to a vet but my parents are worried that they will pay and then get told to go home and put revolution on them anyway. It's a tricky situation. We will definitely take them if things get worse but right now they think it's fine, and i know how quickly guinea pigs can go down hill. It might be fine, but the hair falling out makes me think of fungal infections. i am so worried about Stuey i can't sleep! (it's 2 am). Does anyone else think that the boys could have a mite infection and that Stuey could also have a fungal infection?

PS: please tell me if photo cannot be viewed i'm not sure if i have done this right...
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I really think them poor piggies need to see a vet and get the correct treatment, sorry to say it but your parents needs to accept their responsibilities and do the right thing, its unfair to let them suffer. Please ask your parents to imagine crawling with lice or flees, having itching and irritated skin and having the hair falling out of their heads.
The point is that 1; If you don't take them to the vets they may suffer (Grinding teeth can be a symptom of pain) & 2; You might treat them with the wrong stuff, if it's fungal then revolution won't help. It could even be mites AND fungal, so a vet trip is absolutely necessary & take both to be seen at the same time. Their hutch/cage will need thoroughly cleaning out & wooden stuff thrown away & bedding washed at 60 degrees. If you treat them with the wrong stuff then a month down the line when they are very poorly, you will get a bigger vet bill than if you take them now :) Read Chopsticus's thread & you will understand what I am saying :)
Ahh dear, didn't spot the location :/
Yeah, I'm sorry hen, I was trying to give you a desperate option if your parents were flat our refusing vet treatment, but your deffo gunna need to beg your mum and dad to get them to the vet, I feel sorry for you and you clearly love your piggy.
Why don't you even try showing your mum/dad the thread made by Chopsticus to give them an idea as to the severity of mange mites and fungal infections & show them this thread.
Good luck. x
I definitely agree and it would be best for the piggies to be seen by a vet. But incase you are still not able, it must be better to do something than nothing. If you can order some Ivermectin for guinea pigs online (I think I used VetUK), then it can be applied and is not harmful if it is not mites, it will just have no effect. It is not particularly expensive and will last for quite a while - comes in handy to keep as a guinea owner. If using Gorgeous Guineas products to bath, read the instructions as I think it is a two day space from applying Ivermectin and bathing. In the meantime, if the scabs look sore/open, try bathing with saline solution and possibly apply some Vaseline - can anyone else help with this... I have used Vaseline if nothing else piggie specific available and it seems to do the trick for soothing skin.
Hello, thank you everyone for all your concerns - the boys have seemed ok for the last few days after treating them both with Revolution, as well as completely cleaning their hutch. In fact they both seem quite good, much less scratching and LOTS of eating hahaha.

Analysing Stuey he doesn't seem to be scratching as much or in any noticeable pain so that's good. I know they hide their symptoms so I will keep a good eye on him and keep giving him proper physical checks. Of course I am still very concerned and after talking to my parents they agree that depending on what else we see a vet trip may be in order. They also agree that even if the boys seem fine they might need a checkup anyway some time soon.

Please understand that my parents are the sort of people that would usually spend hundreds taking a pet to the vet (and we have many, many times in the past) but i just think they were unaware of the many issues the piggies could have and their vulnerabilities. They felt sure - after lots of extensive research (albeit not as much as me) that it was just mites, which may remedied with revolution. To them that seemed like the first thing to try, especially as we always have it at home. We worked out the correct dose following Guinea Lynx and so far it seems to have helped but i discussed with my parents concerns about fungal problems and i don't think they would object to the vet anymore if any more signs were to come up. It's just hard and they are wary because only recently we spent hundreds on Huey to receive x-rays, blood tests etc. and he passed away before we even got to see the results of them. I think that added to them feeling like this.
and Stuey says thank you for you all caring about him :)

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