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Aug 14, 2012
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I'm concerned about my boys for a few reasons.

They are VERY quiet. I get that thwy are still scared of being in a new place but i've seen them popcorn and zoom and am wondering if they are unhappy for some reason...and thats why they don't make much noise. The only noises i've heard are rumbles from pikachu, teeth chattering for the first time this morning (directed at me from Pikachu) and a odd shriek here and there from Ash when Pikachu gets too be too much. Ash has purred and spoken to me quietly while i held him but it was brief.

Do i continue with cuddles? Or let them have more space? I just started the prolonged cuddles yesterday (15 mins at a time). Today i was going to start 2 times a day. I just dont know if they need more space alone. I wont lie, when Pikachu chattered his teeth at me it scared me.

Ive got 2 midwest guinea habitats connected, Ash seems to understand how to use the ramp which is great because i saw him use it twice already this morning when Pikachu got mean. They seem to like having more space i guess but spend most of their time together in one cage. I guess Ash enjoys being submissive.

Is it ok that i put a sheet over their cage at night? I'm tryong to keep my cat from scaring them when i cant be there to correct him.

I'm just scared they are unhappy and am feeling really bad about my capabilities to be a good gp owner this morning...esp after being chattered at
Chattering means that Pikachu is not happy with something, but has now found the courage and trust to tell you his likes and dislikes. That is actually a good sign and normal for this stage. It means that he is progressing; trust is a flower that takes time to grow - but it has already made roots, so take heart!

Please do not use the word "mean" - what you are witnessing is very normal MILD dominance behaviour and both piggies see it as that. They are still together, aren't they? Not all piggies are necessarily loud chatter boxes. they communicate with each other and have started to communicate with you, so you do not need to worry.

Putting a blanket over a big cage is OK unless it is a hot night.
Thanks for the info.

I say "mean" but you are right. I'm just not used to it and tend to worry.

I'm glad you see the chattering as a good genuinely had me frightened on many levels! I just want the best for them and for them to be happy.

Thank you again for the quick response!
Yeah, nothing to worry about. They are still young and it will take them time to trust you. :)
Rodney teeth chatters a little at me when he's bored of my cuddles (How RUDE!) and possibly because he maybe need the toilet cos he's very polite & never goes on me.

Billy who I only gtook home sunday, teeth chatters VERY loudly when I try to pick him up. He's not used to me yet...

Its not entirely pleasant no, but it is what they do to say they're annoyed unfortunately :(
I've never heard mine purr or anything. They wheek like CRAZY when I come home and it's dinnertime, but it took them a good 2-3 months to properly start doing that, so it takes time.

Also, just so you know, if you've got two young/newly paired boars, you're probably going to see a lot more "mean-looking" dominance behaviour until they settle in. It can go on for months, and it's fine up to a certain point. My Pichu always chattered at his cagemate, and they would try and hump each other's faces and all sorts of stuff!

I'd carry on with the cuddles. When I first brought my boys home I would take them downstairs, first one then the other, for about 20 minutes or until they got antsy (whichever came first), and just sat them on my lap while I quietly watched TV or talked to them. I didn't pet or cuddle them too much but I did that pretty much every night for awhile to get them used to my voice and smell, and I'd give them a little piece of carrot or bell pepper every time too, while talking to them.
Thanks! Ive noticed i get teeth chattered at when completely cleaning their cage. Any itger tume they will come out to see what I'm doing now and say hello. If i go to pet them tho...they run away lol. I guess the general consensus is "time" :) (and lots of yummy food)
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