Concerned About My Boars

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lyds Waterson

New Born Pup
Feb 15, 2016
Reaction score
I have 2 boars aged about 16 months (Steve and Herbert) and they have been together since their early days at the pet shop. Recently Herbert has been getting really frisky and mounting Steve quite often...sometimes pushing him up against the inside of their house (wooden small animal house from pets at home) and obviously Steve gets upset.
Steve is much bigger but never retaliates. So, no fighting but lots of friskiness and bottom wagging with sound effects.
Vet says to seperate them before they become violent...what do you think as they get on otherwise?
It sounds like normal dominance behaviour to me. Rumblestrutting and a bit of mounting is usually fine and if Steve is making a squealing noise, he's just letting Herbert know that he submits. It is usually only a problem if they bite or lunge at each other. However, keep an eye on them and take note if Herbert is actually bulling Steve.
I would say almost the opposite of your vet, do not separate unless they become violent (which it doesn't sound like they will if they have gotten along thus far).
Seconded, they're still pretty young so will be establishing their hierarchy. Keep an eye on them and separate if they start getting violent. Hopefully it will even out and they will be best of friends again.
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