Companionship: One or Two?

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Hi well piggies do prefer the company of a buddy........
Do you have a boar or a sow?
If you can say roughly where you are, there maybe a rescue who can do bonding for you :)

Glynis x
Hi well piggies do prefer the company of a buddy........
Do you have a boar or a sow?
If you can say roughly where you are, there maybe a rescue who can do bonding for you :)

Glynis x

I have a sow, Foggy Creek Cavy Rescue is very close to me. I look on Petfinder and Craigslist everyday and see all of the different pigs up for adoption. My local humane society has some as well. (Though they are all boars :()

My problem is, my Dad isn't agreeing with me about getting her a friend.
Maybe you could show Dad some info on piggies explaining how they're a herd animal and how when they have a buddy they're happier........
He might like to see this forum perhaps?
Tell him that you'll be able to still manage the cleaning etc... :)
Good luck love x>>
give your little girl some kisses from me and my girls xoxoxoxoxoxo

(i'm signing off now, have to go out.....)
As Glynis has mentioned guinea pigs are herd animals and really do need to comfort of a companion. Here is some info from one of the leading guinea pig care sites
Your little girl really will be much happier with a friend so please try and persuade your dad to let you get another one :)

Guinea pigs are herd animals and not really wired to be on their own. Unless you can guarantee that you can spend several hours a day every single day for the next 4-6 years of your piggy's life, it is happier with a companion of the same gender.

If you are based in Britain, there is the possibility to date a single piggy at a reputable rescue so it can choose its own new friend under expert supervision, which maximises the success rate and minimises any risks for you.
Unless you can guarantee that you can spend several hours a day every single day for the next 4-6 years of your piggy's life, it is happier with a companion of the same gender
Before Theo got a cage mate and I was aware of how wrong it was to keep them alone I used to spend this and longer with him daily. I swear he thinks hes human and not a pig and thats why so many bondings have failed.
I miss the days of two half days at uni and week and the rest piggie time 8...
They really are happier with a friend... I've seen one of my girls as both a half of a pair and as a single pig (after a cagemate passed away and before a new introduction) and she is a whole other pig when she is on her own- much more subdued, much less happy. I was honestly surprised at the difference! I don't find there is any more care or effort having a pair than having a single pig... you have to buy more food and change the bedding a little more often, but otherwise it really isn't any more trouble.
It definitely would be worth looking into finding her a friend. I found Rosie a friend at a rescue a week ago after her hutchmate passed away over 2 years ago and they get along great. I only wish I had done it earlier.

I had the same problem, my parents weren't really convinced about getting another guinea pig but I talked them round and explained how much better it would be for Rosie. Now they have seen them both together I think they understand :)
bear in mind 2x guinea pigs does not always = 2x the cost we have boars and they cost about 3x the price of a single pig so money shouldn't be an issue guineas are herd animals and very sociable they need a playmate. You'll enjoy them more as its more fun watching 2 guineas playing than one bored piggie :)
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