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Adult Guinea Pig
Sep 17, 2008
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As some of you may have known my little Nugget died yesterday 8...
We are all heartbroken but I've noticed that Nibbles is really upset
He's never been alone before and he was squeaking at the top of his lungs keeping everyone awake last night
He won't let anyone pick him up and won't eat or drink
I'm worried because he doesn't even react when we open the fridge door which usually gets him over excited because he thinks he'll get something to eat
A friend suggested I get him a new companion but it feels disloyal to Nugget's memory
I know they say you shouldn't keep them on their own and Nibbles is very friendly :...
Can anyone give me advice on how to cheer him up and on whether or not I should think about getting him a friend

You should really get him a friend as without one he'll be really lonely :(
Nugget wouldn't want Nibbles to be lonely and down so he'll understand x
I'm feeling the same babe, I am more afraid that Africa will over power a baby guinea pig, as he is dominating, but i showed him Leo and he did his little vibrating thing and then looked shocked and sad because Leo did nothing back. It hurt so badly watching his face, they should live in 2's, it's just a case of finding a matching pair >.<
Kawada is two and jensen is 4 months I was worried Kawada would squash him!

within an hour they were the best of friends as with Kawada being older and bigger the hierarchy was pretty much already set :))
My mum agrees and we're going to look at some baby piggies in a rescue center tomorrow
It'll have to be a boy but other than that I'm not sure
*Thinks positive*
Do you have any ideas for names?
ask the rescue if you can take Nibbles with you - he may bond with one of them there and then =D
Guinea pigs who respond badly to their friend dying are pigs that should not be let to live alone. Some pigs thrive off of being fed every day at the same hour, others thrive off of being allowed to free range in a human's home and others thrive when they are with their own kind.

You've already said that Nibbles is responding badly to Nuggets death - he misses his friend, he misses his companion and he feels depressed that he's now alone. "Dishonouring" or being "disloyal" to a recently deceased pet is a human perception - and it's an unfair one which holds people back.

You will never be able to replace Nugget, and no pig will ever be brilliant in the way Nugget was. If Nibbles is currently depressed and not responding to your contact, it is not wrong in any way, shape or form to adopt another pig.

Don't worry if Nibbles shows dominance to the new pig - it is normal and okay to let it happen.
Of course he needs a new friend, Nibbles is telling you that in every way that he can. I'm glad you will go and look at friends tomorrow!

As for names I think it's really hard naming before you know the little one. I thought out names for mine but ended up changing all of them after getting to know the piggies! If you like the names to match, maybe Nelson, Nemo or Nut?
Of course he needs a new friend, Nibbles is telling you that in every way that he can. I'm glad you will go and look at friends tomorrow!

As for names I think it's really hard naming before you know the little one. I thought out names for mine but ended up changing all of them after getting to know the piggies! If you like the names to match, maybe Nelson, Nemo or Nut?

My mum is set on calling it Nigel!
We haven't even chosen one yet but according to her it's decided!
I think it's cheered everyone up as we're doing research into breeders so it's a good distraction
Nibbles still isn't eating :(
He reluctantly ate some carrot but I think he only did it to shut us up
I'll let you all know how it goes
I might even have some pics :)
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