Colin spends a lot of time lying down

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Junior Guinea Pig
Aug 18, 2006
Reaction score
I rescued Colin last year in November and was told he was about a year old. He lives on his own (he's in the living room near my other boys so isn't lonely).

Lately he keeps lying down a lot. He is as cheeky as ever and eating normally so not sure why. I thought he might be hot but it's not overly warm in my flat... any ideas? he hardly ever goes in his bed so I think he's just v sociable and prefers to settle down where he can see everything that is going on.

He's active when he is let free around the living room when I let him out so I'm not too worried... just wondered why he has suddenly started to lie down a lot more?
He could just be lazy ;D Some piggies like to sleep outside!

I think it would be a good idea to get him neutered and a girlfriend so maybe he will be a bit happier? :-\
Don't worry about it - nearly all of my guinea pigs spend a lot of time lying down, especially in the afternoon in the summer months. They just love being lazy. ;D
Billies Mum said:
He's just a typical man basically. ;D

yes i think you are right ;D

i daren't get him a girlfriend, just so much as a sniff of a lady and my other 2 boys would be falling out (and get v jealous i imagine :D)
my 2 boys are tending to lay down a lot at the moment maybe its for a bit of fresh air because its getting a bit warmer
Pansy lies down quite a lot. i just think that some are more chilled and lazy than others! :smitten:
oh my ruby a lazy piggie too she speeds 80% of the day sat in the bedroom she coems out for food and for a little walk but thats its but if amber poppy or lilly come to sit next to her she lets the mshe jsut likes siting in the bedroom

and when she is in the ru nshe sits in a conrner or under a hidy hole most of the time

she dosent like doing anything thats hard work like runing around
Have you considered the change in weather? As soon as it gets a bit warmer my pigs just lie around all day. They haven't moved since April!
my boys are quite often led down, they live in my bedroom and are very sociable..often will sleep through me walking past the cage etc..if you rattle a bag and he gets up and investigates/squeaks he's prob just lazy lol
i daren't get him a girlfriend, just so much as a sniff of a lady and my other 2 boys would be falling out (and get v jealous i imagine Cheesy)

SO very true! I dont advise this at all! Death would be inevitable. lol ;D

My pigs are lazy lil things. All they do is sleep and eat. I love watching them sleep though. Sometimes their ears will twitch like they're having a little guinea pig dream. :smitten: (Probably about food) ;D
My pansy is the only one that lies down a bit, as i've already mentioned, but she still runs around etc. a fair amount. :smitten:
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