Cold weather

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Jan 21, 2011
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North East, Newcastle
Your piggies should be inside now in the UK because the snow is set to be here soon and the wind and rain will be too cold for our fury friends even if they are covered with something, try and keep them warm as best as possible because there fur wont keep them cosy warm ! :D xxxxxx
my piggies wont be coming inside, they stay outside year round. they have a large hutch and there is no way il be able to bring that inside. they do just fine if kept well covered and insulated with warm dry bedding inside and mine also get snugglesafe heat pads every night too :)
Mine are free-range in an insulated shed. I keep them in there until it gets bitter. I have started adding fleece & cuddle cups to one section of the shed now so that they have something warm to snuggle into when it gets nippy at night. I have a thermometer in there too so I can keep an eye on the temp.

I brought them in during the snow last year. Cats weren't too happy and it was a bit frustrating having the pigs squeaking every time they heard me with bags (they always assume it's food for them!)... :))
I can't bring mine inside. I just had them this summer and they are around 3 already, and have always been kept outside. So far I have put a thick cardboard box inside the bedroom part with a fleece blanket, hay and a snuggle pad. I am planning on insulating the hutch at the weekend and they are also in a really sheltered spot. I think this will be enough. If anyone has any other ideas I'd be grateful.
I'm off out to finish off insulating the piggies shed this afternoon. There's too many of them to come indoors this year which is why I got them a shed. ;)
How are you insultating? I was thinking of lining with lots of cardboard and covering with a big carpet. It is very sheltered and I have fleece blankets and sleeping bags and a snuggle pad. I was thinking if the temp drops to minus 5 or somethign I could bring them in temporarily but my indoow cage is very small :(
Mine are already indoors totally enjoying the central heating:)):))
wow that looks good thankyou. do you do the inside or the outside? (sorry if that's really dumb :) )
The inside, it looks like a oven ready turkey, but it's really good. I'll be covering the bottom couple of feet with board to prevent chewing. ;)
Mine are in a shed that is insulated and has an oil radiator. They have hutches inside the shed and in each one are heatpads that plug in, so they are warm always.

I worry so much about them though and worry about fires so I won't be having any more piggies once these guys go. It makes me sad but its for the best. I have had piggies since 1998 and it's going to leave a huge hole in my heart.

For the first 3 years of having pigs I had them inside but developed allergies after 3 years. I was so upset! So I am grateful I have the shed but I think I'm making the right decision for the future.

Still makes me sad.
I think if we are going to experience like minus 15 C or lower then its essential to bring them in as there is no hope in H*ll of keeping water as liquid even with insulation! Even my house is freezing when its that cold outside even with the heating on full blast.

But if minus 1 is the worst its going to get keeping water as liquid should be ok with lots of insulation and hot water bottles and the likes to keep the piggies warm!

even moving a hutch into a garage or shed could make a huge difference to wind chill!
My four girlies are outdoors all year round in a well insulated hutch complete with wind / rain cover. Thick fleece blanket covering the hutch front at night, plenty of fresh hay, cuddle cups and fleeces and snugglesafe heat pads. However, when it got to ridiculous temperatures last year, we did bring them in and shall do the same again this year if needed
libertychance Please be aware that if you are insulating a hutch the insulation would need to be out the outside. (otherwise they will chew it, making them poorly) If its a shed, the inside is fine.

Sorry if thats obvious, just wanted to clarify. :)
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