

New Born Pup
Sep 17, 2023
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We lost cheeky Coco yesterday after what we thought would be a routine abscess removal. All was well after the op and then 10 minutes before we were due to pick her up they called to say she had suddenly become ill and she wasn't going to make it. She wasn't even 2. Rocket (age 7) and her sister Fudge will miss her, and so will we. She is the lighter one in the back of the photo, with Grandad Rocket and sister Fudge xx


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I’m so sorry Coco has gone over the rainbow bridge. Sometimes they can have a really bad reaction to the anaesthetic. It has happened to a piggy of mine. He was young too. Sending you massive hugs as I know how much it hurts.

You were doing the right thing getting the abscess removed. ❤️
Thank you. It was so strange as Fudge also had abscess in same place which was removed last week. Vet said so unusual to have 2 piggies with same problem at the same time. Fudge did really well so it was so unexpected with Coco. Just one of those things with anaesthetic as you said I guess
I know it’s hard to understand why some piggies do well and others don’t. My Percy was only about 3 years old and he was about 1.4kg. So a big healthy boy. He had to have a bladder stone removed and just couldn’t get over the anaesthetic. Sending you hugs.
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Sorry for your loss. You did everything you could to give Coco the best chance. She knew she was loved. Sleep tight Coco x