CNC Cage

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Teenage Guinea Pig
Jan 23, 2007
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With Blaze and Scampy no longer with us we've set up a new CNC cage for Dylan and Pepe, so that they can enjoy each other's company, even if they are separated via a divider.

With a bit more planning I'm hoping somehow to add either another level above them, or possibly a run type area below so that whilst we're at work they can have more run space :)


Now all we have to do is sort Oscar out. Once we get the all clear on their health from Vedra we need to get him a new friend, he's a bit lonely at the moment being quarantined away from the other two but at least he can still hear them :)

Thats almost exactly like my set up! My two boys share the top (same number of grids as yours) and I have 2 boys seperately underneath but the underneath is different obviously and comes out 2 more grids (if that makes sense). I managed to get coloured grids on ebay but it is very similar!
Looks good, hope you get the all clear soon :)
jnenbnb said:
Aw poor little oscar :smitten: your cage looks great bet they love all that space x

Yes they do, only problem now is that Pepe seems to want to chew the correx on the bit dividing him and Dylan. I only made a small lip so they could see each other properly but it's just at the right height for Pepe to chew at it. >:( I've had to balance some wodden sticks on that bit, but will have to find a more permanent solution.

I give up!
lavenderjade said:
Thats almost exactly like my set up! My two boys share the top (same number of grids as yours) and I have 2 boys seperately underneath but the underneath is different obviously and comes out 2 more grids (if that makes sense). I managed to get coloured grids on ebay but it is very similar!
Looks good, hope you get the all clear soon :)

Lavenderjade, do your boys ever chew the correx, and if so, how do you stop them?
I dont use correx as I found a roll of lino, so use that instead but it comes up the sides a bit like correx does, so When I lay newspaper over the base, I bring the newspaper up the sides by at least 10cm all the way round. They chew this sometimes which is harmless. I will get as piccy of it so you can see what I mean and post it on here in a few minutes :)
Where do you get these cubes? I could really use them! With the weather in England, my guineas cant use the outdoor run that much so I want to make an indoor run!
Here you go Marty, hope you can see how I place the newspaper up the sides. I then place aubiose right into the corners and hay on top so the paper stays in place :)

A closer view

The corner
Racheylcg said:
Where do you get these cubes? I could really use them! With the weather in England, my guineas cant use the outdoor run that much so I want to make an indoor run!

We got them from screwfix:

But I would advise trying to get them from one of their trade counters as the ones we ordered online turned out to be only half of what they should be (a 2 cube display instead of a 4 cube display). The packs should have 17 grids in them, not 9
Sorry Rachey, I thought you were talking about the cosy cubes :D

Marty, I got the screwfix ones and they sent me a 2 cube display as well. They should send you a 4 cube display, so email them and tell them you were short 2 packs. Thats what I did and they sent me 4 more packs which I got the next day, so basically I got 2 packs free for the inconvenience.
Theyre really exspensive! I thought they were cheap :'( But its ok cause someone recomended this eight-sided fold up run that you can use indoors or out so I'm going to look at those :)
lavenderjade said:
Sorry Rachey, I thought you were talking about the cosy cubes :D

Marty, I got the screwfix ones and they sent me a 2 cube display as well. They should send you a 4 cube display, so email them and tell them you were short 2 packs. Thats what I did and they sent me 4 more packs which I got the next day, so basically I got 2 packs free for the inconvenience.

I told them it was wrong, and they sent me a replacement which also turned out to be a 2 cube display so I called it evens at that point! O0
Boureki said:
lavenderjade said:
Sorry Rachey, I thought you were talking about the cosy cubes :D

Marty, I got the screwfix ones and they sent me a 2 cube display as well. They should send you a 4 cube display, so email them and tell them you were short 2 packs. Thats what I did and they sent me 4 more packs which I got the next day, so basically I got 2 packs free for the inconvenience.

I told them it was wrong, and they sent me a replacement which also turned out to be a 2 cube display so I called it evens at that point! O0

Oops, posted that under Julie's ID, not mine, sorry!
Great C&C cage LavenderJade! Do you have a different level on it as well? That's a god idea about the newspaper being exposed too - I would much rather them chew that than the correx.

(I'm Julie, Marty's missus! ;D )
Your C&C looks great :D When mine come back in for the winter I'm gunna make their C&C again..I think it's gunna be 2x5 or 2x6, depending on where the hammies go hmm... :P
Pleased to meet you Julie ;D
I have 2 cages underneath, the larger one has 2 piggies and the undreneath ones 1 each as they fell out. At the end of my upstairs cage I put one divider grid down the middle and two over the top. I normally have a towel draped over it. This is their little getaway and they spend a lot of time in there snoozing as it is darker and not as open as the the rest of the cage.
Hello ;D

Yes, they love their dark spaces, don't they? They're lucky piggies to have such a lot of room. Ours also seem much happier that they are higher up since we worked out how to use extra grids to raise them off the ground, took us a while to figure it out though 98)
I'd love to get another setup for Oscar (and his new friend, as soon as we get the test resuts back from Vedra) but don't have the room for another C&C really, so will probably be swapping the 1.2m cage he's currently in for a 1.4...
I dont have the room really, but I made room ;D
I also have an empty 2 storey hutch in the corner just waiting for more piggies ;D
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