Clover and Stella have finally taken to floor time


Adult Guinea Pig
May 22, 2022
Reaction score
Georgia, USA
Today I got Clover and Stella's floor time area all set up and let down the ramp of their cage. I called to them and Stella hopped right out down the ramp, then ran over to the pile of veggies in the middle of their floor time area. Like normal, she noticed that Clover wasn't there and scampered back into the cage, but apparently the call of the veggies was too much for her. She popped right back out and started munching! I was all prepared to get a tunnel to lift Clover out (she doesn't like the mini ramp), but then she surprised me! After some hesitation, she slowly walked down the ramp, trotted over to Stella, and started eating. Smiling, I closed the door and began cleaning the cage. :wub:


The cage was done. 🥵 Clover and Stella were trying to get inside, so I let down the ramp. They excitedly entered their home and began the fun task of spreading hay everywhere, pooping, and eating the leftover veggies. In the meantime I cleaned up their floor time area, and the thing that happened next nearly broke my heart. Little Stella happily ran down the ramp (I hadn't shut it) and over to the place where their floor time had taken place. You could literally see her facial expression change. I'm serious. As she surveyed the place where Clover and she had eaten veggies, done zoomies, and hopped up and down in popcorns, she grew a confused look on her face. She slowly crossed the area a couple times, then ran back to the cage. Then she ran back. Again and again. Okay, I get it, I'll set floor time back up before my heart is ripped to pieces. When it was set back up, I grabbed a carrot and a tiny piece of watermelon as a special treat. I called to her and she came over. When she saw that floor time was back, she started doing zoomies! I gave her the watermelon and the carrot. Clover heard about all the fun that was going on and came over, so I got her a tiny piece of watermelon and a carrot too :))
I gave them 10 more minutes, which they spent in the cage. :hmm: I came back and started picking up again, and you can guess what fluffy little cannonball came out of the cage (Oh, Stella! :roll:) After she had stored some more lettuce in her stomach, she went back into the cage. You can be sure I closed the ramp 😅 Okay, here we go and . . . third attempt to clean up floor time was a success! I'm glad they enjoyed it so much, the little goofs 🤣 🥰

You Gotta Love Us!


Aw how lovely 😊 there’s nothing better than piggies enjoying floor time and zooming around so happily, same time tomorrow girlies, they’ll hold you to it 😆