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Cloudy Eye

  • Thread starter Thread starter Stevie
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My wee piggy Bella has a cloud over part of one of her eyes, she still reacts to anything moving toward her on that side so i think it is responsive however i was wondering if this may be a caterract. Has anyone had any experience of this wife piggies.

Riff Raff had a cloudy eye and it was treated with eye drops (Fucithalmic sp?) and it appeared not to be a cataract.

I'm sure others can advise with cataracts.

I do hope it doesn't affect her too much.
awwww poor Bella :( :( :( :(
Sending healing wheeks and piggie kisses to help her get better real quickly :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
Yep i agree with Lucinda O0 and i'm sure Mary's said previously that all should be fine O0
If you're at all in doubt you could call the vets :)
One of mine had this.
One morning i npticed eye was clouldy and there was a small scratch on the surface of the eye too but eye wasn't pussy or anthing.

With in the next few day the clouding went away and the eye was back to normal.

If it gets inflamed or pussy i would go to vet for drops.

If it is cateracts, which is usually in older pigs and effects both eyes i believe the there is nothing you can do.
Eyes can go cloudy if there has been an injury.

Please don't wait to get the piggy to the vet to check if this is the case - DO NOT wait until the eye is inflamed or pussy. By the time this happens it could be too late and the eye could easily be lost (or worse if the infection spreads). See the vet as a preventative. I had a pig injure an eye last month and asked several people I knew for advice (including a rescue) and was advised to take her to the vet right away which I did. With drops her eye didn't even cloud over and I was praised by the vet for acting so quickly.

Eye injuries must be taken seriously. At the very least it will give you peace of mind if the vet says it's not an injury.
i agree take your piggy to the vet asap. eyes are sensitive as they are in humans and i wouldn't wait to see if it gets worse. sending you and bella hugs and cuddles :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: girls send :-* :-* :-* good luck bella. O0
piggie may need chloraphenicol eye drops from the vets (work at vets). if the eye is cloudy all over, it usually isnt a worry and can be bathed with warm water, it usually goes on its own but drops do help. It lasts a while and you keep it in the fridge so it is always handy to keep in. hope it gets better love sue
i had this happen to mudge i left it except for wipe i clean everyday and it healed on its own dnt think tho tht it will heal by tomorrow it does take a while but yes it should go away he probally just got a scratch on his eye or a he got poked by some hay or straw.
I got this advice from these lovely people on this forum hehe. :laugh:
Anz x
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