I was wondering if anyone 'trains' their pigs? My 4 come running over at pellet time and I've started to hand feed them the pellets as its making them so friendly x) I noticed they started to stand on their back legs when they had finished their pellet and wanted another, so I started to say up as they did it and give them a pellet. Now 3/4 of them can stand when I say up xx>>>
It's more of accidental training tbh on its only for fun but I was wondering if anyone else had any similar ideas? After seeing the minipan pig clips on youtube I have tried the turn a circle but its a bit hard with 4 pigs all barging into each other as no space to turn without getting interupted ^). Also trying the voice training with 'yum yums' as the cue (same as the youtube video) when the veg bag comes out as they go squeeking crazy when the veg bag rustles hehe.
Any excuse to spend more time with the pigs (I do try with the buns too but they get far to overexcited to pay attention to me like the pigs do lol |) )
It's more of accidental training tbh on its only for fun but I was wondering if anyone else had any similar ideas? After seeing the minipan pig clips on youtube I have tried the turn a circle but its a bit hard with 4 pigs all barging into each other as no space to turn without getting interupted ^). Also trying the voice training with 'yum yums' as the cue (same as the youtube video) when the veg bag comes out as they go squeeking crazy when the veg bag rustles hehe.
Any excuse to spend more time with the pigs (I do try with the buns too but they get far to overexcited to pay attention to me like the pigs do lol |) )