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Jan 24, 2006
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I am trying to clean my room and i don't seem to be having much luck.
Factors that that make my room messy.
1. Sharing it with my boyfriend he stay here all the time so the amount of stuff has doubled.
2.Me not being a fan of cleaning
3.The guineas well not them there cage take up alot of space
4. Keeping thing together(It's hard to do when there is someone moving your stuff)
OK so alot of the stuff in my room is my boyfriends I love him to bits and I know his stuff makes him feel at home but is it getting in the way of me have a clean and clutter free bedroom. I know this sound like a moan. But it really gets to me have such a messy from I can't relax at all it is really depressing me and i dunno what to do am sick of it all. Please help sorry of this seem like such a moan.
maybe ask him to move his syuff a bit while you clean out? then he can move his stuff back in when you've finished! and put the tidy? hope i heled a bit stroma!
violet x
I know exactly what your going through Storma. My boyfriend lived at my house for just under a year and I have never seen my room so untidy. Men hey? - Wreck everything!I now live with him in his new house and its much better now. He is probably more tidy than me! :)
Not that he never cleans he does but it seems pretty half hearted. I have found 6 pairs of his boxers ?
lol... :) Are you sure that you haven't chucked them on the floor when in the heat of the moment? lol

Good luck cleaning... sounds as though you need it :)
LOL not much moments at the moment. I really should get back. But I like sitting here.
When I used to live at home with my parents I really hated having to tidy my room and did anything to get out doing it *sigh* Since owning my own home though I am a really tidy person... I hate mess, lol! Strange how you change as you get older. I don't love tidying up but I tolerate it now so that I can have a neat home, lol.
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