Cleaning The Grease Gland And Sac?

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New Born Pup
Sep 14, 2014
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Oregon, USA
I am new to the cavy world and just watched a youtube video about cleaning grease glands and anal sacs. Interesting to say the least! lol I was wondering...are there differences between female cavies and male cavies regarding what needs daily/weekly/monthly cleaning? I'm still learning. Thanks!
The main difference is boar bits and impaction issues that you can get in boys..

With females their is no worry on impaction or problems with the piggies boy bits. Two of our girls have had very greasy grease glands however so they still need the occasional bum baff.
I also watched a couple videos on cleaning the boy parts. I understand this only has to be done on an adult guinea pig? Is this correct?
I think the older they are the more chance of impaction. And yes its very smelly indeed when cleaning them!
There is a clip on You Tube showing someone cleaning a guinea pig's anal sac using cotton buds which is a bit extreme. Anal sacs only need cleaning if your boar is developing problems with impaction. Some guinea pigs may need cleaning to the extent shown in the video clip I mention but this is only if you have a problematic boar. Personally, I would not do this unless I have been shown by someone guinea savvy.

It is a good idea to clean a boar's penis every now an then but , again. I struggle doing this with my boar , Max, but I am lucky that I have a very good rescue within travelling distance who help me out.

I will tag @Wiebke as she is one of the forum's health gurus.
Impaction is a condition that happens to mostly older boars when the muscles in the anus weaken don't push enough; by far not all older boars will get it!
Especially younger boars also need to have a weekly check for sperm rods (dried semen) in her penis, which can be very uncomfortable. It would be good if you gave their bits and grease gland a weekly check and clean any muck with a gentle wipe and if necessary a little bum bath with hand warm water. Please do not bathe piggies too often; it's not good for their skin.
Here are our tips on how to clean overactive grease glands:
I've had 15 boy piggies and only 2 have had impaction problems. One boy had arthritis, and needed daily assistance. The other had a heart condition and it was one of his many problems. Usually it's not a problem for boys. I have a 5+ year old, and he can still fire them out no problem.

A weekly check is good, then you'll be able to see any problems as they arise. I usually only clean my boys when they need it.
How do you know if theres any problems? Mine is so wriggly, there is no way I would be able to get him still enough to clean it out.
Does it come out itself? I just watched a video, and that grease, I have seen him kind of squeeze/rub that stuff it out before, but I thought it was part of the scent marking process, he loves to rub it on the floor (and on me urgh), and he often sniffs it and sometimes sort of licks it.
Impaction is a condition that happens to mostly older boars when the muscles in the anus weaken don't push enough; by far not all older boars will get it!
Especially younger boars also need to have a weekly check for sperm rods (dried semen) in her penis, which can be very uncomfortable. It would be good if you gave their bits and grease gland a weekly check and clean any muck with a gentle wipe and if necessary a little bum bath with hand warm water. Please do not bathe piggies too often; it's not good for their skin.
Here are our tips on how to clean overactive grease glands:
I'm reading so many mixed reviews on boy cleaning, Ive been giving mine a weekly check and a wipe with cotton pad and hand warm water but I read this on a facebook page was a bit shocked!
what do you think?

While this might all be resolved by now, for future reference or for anyone else experiencing the same thing, I am going to put this in point form:

1. the little boar has a prolapse penis (as you all know)
2. there is also a lot of swelling (as you all can see)
3. the penis needs to go back in (common logic)
4. but before you can do this with success, the swelling needs to be reduced. Otherwise, the penis will continue to prolapse, over and over again.
5. you can reduce swelling by soaking his genitalia in sugar water - this will remove the excess fluid build up in the tissues of the prepuce and penis by osmosis.
6. after soaking for 10 minutes or so, and the swelling is reduced, you can rinse off his boy bits with plain water, then lubricate the penis with KY jelly (personal lubricant) and the penis will slide back in (and shouldn't come out again...)

And for good measure...anal sack cleaning. If I ever meet, face to face, the person who came up with the idea of regular cleaning of anal sacks in all boars, I will personally clean their "anal sacks" with a 12 gauge shot gun. I am sick to death of hearing and seeing this splashed all over the internet on 'how important it is to clean a boars anal sack". Not only is it NOT important, it is NOT necessary, and it is UNHEALTHY. The smelly white secretion that lines the anal sack is vital for healthy guinea pigs - it contains many vitamins and minerals critical to their well being. These are ingested when the guinea pigs eat their caecal pellets (poops). Idiots who suggest that the anal sack should be cleaned on healthy boars....well, like I said - 12 gauge shotgun if I ever meet you! You are doing much more harm than you are good....
I have been in a dilemma about the pros and cons of anal sack cleaning so have taken advice from this forum and other sources. I also watched a video on you tube which certainly helped me make up my mind. I have decided 'if it aint broken don't fix it'.The person in the video looked as if they were scraping a cake bowl out with a spatula. I decided I was not going to routinely clean this delicate area but inspect it regularly and if necessary relieve any impaction. What concerned me most about the video was that in the comments section someone had said that they had cleaned out a sows reproductive tract . It makes me shudder to think how some animals are being treated, if they are going to do this then for Pete's sake do it in the correct orifice.
I am also new and learning lots here, we have bathed our boys twice and given general bum baths but I wasn't aware of the rod problem,how often should that be done or only when signs of discomfort?Am not much looking forward to that
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