Cleaning Outside Run...

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jun 6, 2014
Reaction score
I'm wondering if and how people clean up their piggies poop from the outside run.
I remember when i was little i would use a dustpan and brush and try and brush them up from the grass.
My grass area isnt that big, but my OH made a 5x5ft run. So we can move it around 4x on the grass area and I'm out there trying to dustpan the poops up. Wasnt working so i ended up picking them up. I know how ridiculous this sounds and chuckling to myself as i write this. But any ideas would be great! :-)
if you have a heavy duty vaccum cleaner or shop vac and maybe an extension cord you could try sucking up the poops maybe? like with the nozzle attachment or something?
I used to have the same problem with my rings, never thought of a vacuum cleaner
I just could not be bothered with that so leave it and suck it up with the lawn mower once a week. I try to convince myself that if it rains some of the poo will disintegrate thereby feeding the lawn - tenuous I know but its what i'm going with!
I dont have any grass but if i did i think id consider the poo to be fertiliser and just leave it. Looool!
I've got a 5ft by 5ft run. I can move it onto 6 and a half different patches of lawn and I rotate round these each week.

Pig poo does rot down, but it takes longer to do so than my weekly run rotation so I'm to be found outside with a dustpan and brush + hand picking the stray ones to keep the lawn as pleasant as I can for the boys.

Mine are out in their run for about 12 hours a day atm. They’re left with a large pile of hay and freshly picked grass once they’ve finished trimming the lawn for me.

My current pair seem determined to set a new record for the amount of poo produced in a day! I've never had a pair produce this much before, and it's not as if they've got diarrhoea. Their overnight accommodation by comparison is remarkably clean. I think they store it all up for their run sessions to give me something to do in the evenings.
Their overnight accommodation by comparison is remarkably clean. I think they store it all up for their run sessions to give me something to do in the evenings.
:agr: This seems very similar to my boys.

I use a dustpan and brush. Doesn't seem to be any problem with this. Could a lot depend on the type of brush? The one I use has quite soft bristles and it scoops the poop without any difficulty.
I try and pick most of it up with a bag over my hand because it gets mouldy if I leave it. Any I miss can just feed the grass!
Thanks all i think i will stick to what I'm doing then and wont be trying a hoover lol.
Like you say Tewdric just want to keep it pleasant for my girlies!
I hand pick the poos from the grass. I don't think I would dare take a hoover outside and start hovering the lawn. The neighbours look at me askance when I say I have 4 guinea pigs never mind me then standing outside with a hoover doing the grass.
:D:lol!: Thank you for brightening up my evening with this post @worried val of york really made me chuckle! I'm tempted to go and get our hoover right now and see what the neighbours think!

I've just been leaving the poo - no chance of me bothering with dustpan and brush on 3 different runs (we've got 3 separate groups) each day. It seems to disappear within a couple of days so perhaps we have special pixies or something! I'm sure OH isn't cleaning it up.....
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