Cleaning Out The Sleeping Area?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jul 31, 2016
Reaction score
Mytholmroyd, West Yorkshire
So first morning, the pigs have certainley been active in the night, carrot gone some nuggets eaten poop all over the place and tunnels moved.
So we gave fresh water and veggies and nuggets and scooped the poop out of the living area of the hutch. Talking all the while. Heard a little bit of bumbling from Popeye and Captain Black but not much.
Went to do the housing part as figured there'd be much more poop in there with them hiding away quite a lot.
I thought they'd just run out of the bedding area to the tunnels but they just sort of did a paniced lap of the hutch and back into the bedding quarters. They seemed pretty scared so I've left it for now.
Is it vital I do this today with it being their first morning? shall I leave it for later or shoo them out of the bedroom and shut off access to it whilst I get it all cleaned up and replenished with fresh hay?
Am I right in thinking the hay in the hay rack is fine to stay there and be topped up or does it need to be fresh daily?
TIA again lol xx
It's fine to top up the hay. I would change it out completely every few days, but as long as it's off the floor (so not been wee'd and pooped on) it's fine to just top it up.

What I do when I clean my piggies sleeping house is to slowly lift the house (talk first so they know you're there) and then put it down somewhere else in the cage. Then they can run into it while you clean up the pad or bedding or whatever is under the house. Once you're done put the house back in it's previous place.

They will be spooked, but as long as you work quickly and carefully and don't deliberately go chasing after the piggies they will be fine as you'll likely be done in a minute or less.
Hay can stay, if not eaten, and replenished, but should be removed after about a week. I know most people would advise leaving the piggies alone for a few days to settle, however do bare in mind getting them into routine is also a good idea! Do you have somewhere else you could put them when cleaning out? This might calm them down a little, and give them somewhere new to explore, but again I would probably wait a few days before unsettling them.
Thank ou both for your very quick replies. In the housing compartment there isn't a bedding box as such just a fleecey bed and LOTS of hay I put loads in so they could hide under it snuggle into it and eat it.. Would I be better introducing a carboard box then do you think? I can do that but think I'll leave it for tomorrow. I've got a small run one of the triangular ones that has a covered hidey bit but figured it might be too early to be shifting them from one place to another , this run is tiny though and I've had to order a new bigger one lol how I read the measurements wrong I dont know! x
Is the bedroom compartment covered to provide privacy? If so, then it should be fine- if not, id add at least two houses or hidies in the cage somewhere - one each - so that the piggies can have some alone time if necessary. Sounds like you're doing well so far! Good luck x

Edit: What kind of cage do you have? Are you outside in a hutch, or do you have a C&C, etc?
If they've been sleeping in the hay then you will most likely need to change it all out as they will have wee'd and pooped in it.

I wouldn't really take them out the cage yet at this point. If they are still very newly in then it's better to just leave them. They will get used to your hands and as long as you're not actively chasing them around for like 15 min then it's fine. A quick change here and there is fine - they will run and hide somewhere. If they run back to where you're busy just move hand up gently behind them and they'll run out again.

In my cage I have a cat litter tray with some hay in it (on top of either an absorbent fleece pad or a towel), and then a box attached to the wall of the cage with a big opening in front for clean hay to stay in for eating (this overhangs the litter tray). Then I have a cardboard box that I cut a big opening in the front of and two smaller openings on the sides, and that is their hidey/sleeping house. That sits on top of a small fleece liner. Each morning and evening I lift the cardboard house, tip the poops off the fleece pad into a bin, turn the fleece pad over so the clean side is on top (or replace every second or third day) and then replace the house. Sometimes the pigs run like made around the cage while I'm doing this, other times they jump into the litter tray, other times they just stand there a bit scared. But it takes all of a minute or less so I just carry on and they're fine as soon as I replace the house.
Is the bedroom compartment covered to provide privacy? If so, then it should be fine- if not, id add at least two houses or hidies in the cage somewhere - one each - so that the piggies can have some alone time if necessary. Sounds like you're doing well so far! Good luck x

Edit: What kind of cage do you have? Are you outside in a hutch, or do you have a C&C, etc?

It is an outside hutch. So yeah their sleeping quarters are sectioned off, Tomorrow I'll add a cardboard box filled with hay then I should be able to just lift that. Figured leaving it for another day won't do any major harm .. Hopefully once they realise we gave them apple, brocolli and pepper they'll be a little more at ease lol x
Sorry for the wait, went to grab some pictures of my hutch. Obviously I don't believe my own set-up to be ''ideal'' or anything, it all depends on what works for you and your piggies, but if you were to get a hidey I'd personally suggest placing it in a separate area to the bedroom compartment so that the girls can have their own space if they so choose. I have three boys so making sure they all have their own space is very important to me, plus it helps keep them out of the elements! I tend to clean the hutch out every three days, as they spend a lot of time in the run and only really go in during the night [unless its raining of course!] Perhaps you could try something similar?
EDIT; excuse the mess, it just so happens to be cleaning day :yahoo:


Well I did it took me not even 5 minutes. I got a box cut 2 large openings in and put it in the main part of the hutch.. Popeye ran straight out of the bedroom Captain stayed still watching me for a little bit I just spoke gently.. he eventually joined Popeye in the other part of the hutch and got himself into the hidey once I'd done and closed the door popeye ran straight into the bedroom compartment Captain stayed put in the hidey. I moved a food bowl close to the opening and just sat sweepeing talking gently for another 5 minutes making a concious effort to not look at the cage lol. He was having a peek at me and in his bowl.. I'm guessing if I go out in a couple of hours some veggies may have been taken from his bowl lol x
Good to hear they're doing okay! Don't worry, they'll settle in soon enough. If I remember correctly, when I first got my young boys they wouldn't come out of their houses with us downstairs, nevermind in sight. Now, however, they'd steal the food from our mouths if we let them! Lovely little things. Have you got any pictures of your two, or are you waiting for them to settle? :))
I've posted a pic somewhere not sure where it is so I'll put it on again lol. One of them is 9 months old the other is about 15 weeks I think.. Popeye and Captain Black :) just popped out and little popeye was eating from his bowl he soon scurried off when he saw me but it's good to know they are settling. I'm well aware and prepared for this to take time so doing it at their pace. My daughter is finding waiting excruciating but she understand the importance of it. She's 10 these are first pets really not counting the family dog :0) 13590513_1139137926108843_382099863368958170_n.webp
So cute! I know how she feels, I'm always like that >;3 I've seen these two when eagerly scanning all the rescue sites I believe. Good to see they've found a nice home!
:) Thank you x They seem to be settlign ok.. They have eaten every single peice of Veg that's been offered to them lol Yesterday we saw quite a bit of them nipping out of their hidey for a nibble of veg .. today not as much but we've been out most of the day. I can't beleive how much they poo though! there was loads of the stuff this morning .. Going to offer some apple tomorrow I think from our hands see if we can tempt them to take it from us :)
They are gorgeous. Yep they poop a lot! :doh: That just means they are healthy though. lol.
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