Ciri passed away what next


Junior Guinea Pig
Jun 17, 2020
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Hi guys!
Had the worst day yesterday where I lost my sweet pig, ciri.
I can’t lie I’ve struggled more than I thought, the grief has been so painful especially as her illness felt like it came out of nowhere. I’ve not been able to eat and I’ve woken up lots over the night crying. I feel like I lost a part of me yesterday.

I’m left with Yen, which is almost funny because she’s had so many health conditions it’s almost funny at this point. Two surgeries, mites infection, flesh eating infection and kidney failure. She is only dealing with the kidney failure atm but she is being handled by a good exotic vet and still has such a zest for life that I know she still has at least a bit of time left.

Which leads me to the need for advice. Yen is now alone, I will be going to collect ciri later so we can do a home burial in our garden.

Do I show yen the body? She had to be taken away to be pts because they did gas first so she didn’t suffer at all and I couldn’t be in the room for that. Yen has been off, but not overly stressed, eating as normal etc. I’m not sure if I should let her see her or not?

Secondly, when do I need to get her a friend. As I said she is a bit sick herself, and she’s 4 and a half. she needs space, she can’t be mounted or pushed around, she is also always been ridiculously lazy so she defo isn’t in the market for a “play” mate but more of a friend to have a chat with or use as a body sheild when she doesn’t want her nails cut.

I’m considering getting a rescue and letting them be “bar mates” for a bit so she doesn’t feel alone, but this is my first pig loss so atm I feel full of grief and very confused.

Sharing a beautiful picture of ciri from last year with a jellycat lol

Thank you
- Ellie


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I'm so sorry. ❤
I've found these guides excellent when coming to terms with my grief: Human Bereavement - Grieving, coping tips and support links for guinea pig owners and their children
Looking After A Bereaved Guinea Pig
Regarding Yen- she's obviously a very special piggy, with more specific needs than most. What are rescues like near you? Would they be willing to let you foster a really gentle guinea pig for Yen to live out the rest of her days with?
How do you feel about continuing the piggy cycle? You don't have to come up with an answer immediately- it will take a long time for you to properly process your emotions. 🌈
I don't know about whether you should show Yen Ciri's body, someone else will help you out with that question. Xx
I'm so sorry for your loss.
I dont have any good advice really. I do believe your mindset about the bar mate is the right direction, but I leave the advices to more experienced people, considering your girl is extra fragile. I just want to send some love for you and your girl from four boars ❤️
I am so sorry you lost Ciri. Take heart she will have known how much you loved and cared for her. I would let Yen see Ciri and say her goodbyes. A side by side neighbour might be an option. Do you have a good rescue who might be able to help in selecting a calm and sweet girl who might be desperate for companionship
I'm so sorry. ❤
I've found these guides excellent when coming to terms with my grief: Human Bereavement - Grieving, coping tips and support links for guinea pig owners and their children
Looking After A Bereaved Guinea Pig
Regarding Yen- she's obviously a very special piggy, with more specific needs than most. What are rescues like near you? Would they be willing to let you foster a really gentle guinea pig for Yen to live out the rest of her days with?
How do you feel about continuing the piggy cycle? You don't have to come up with an answer immediately- it will take a long time for you to properly process your emotions. 🌈
I don't know about whether you should show Yen Ciri's body, someone else will help you out with that question. Xx
I will try to do this that’s a really good idea, thank you so much for your kind words it honestly means so much 🩷🩷🩷
I am so sorry you lost Ciri, you did all you could and should have for her. The advise is normally to show the remaining piggy the body of their friend. If Yen is settled and happy and not appearing to be worried about wat's happened to Ciri I would be inclined to leave it. Yen will have know Ciri was seriously ill. I am not an expert and this is my personal opinion.
If you want to continue the piggy cycle what about adopting a pair of already bonded girls to live beside Yen for company. You won't have to worry about Yen being mounted or the other piggy not having someone to run around with. That way you won't have the problem of being left with one piggy on her own when Yen passes.
Be kind to yourself as you grieve, what a sad and difficult time you have had recently.
So sorry for your loss of beautiful Ciri.
Be gentle with yourself as you grieve.

I’ve always placed / left the body of a deceased cagemate in the cage so the others can say their goodbyes if they wish.
Hello again
Thank you so much for your kindness and messages, I decided to not show her the body as I’m honestly more traumatised than I thought I’d be and couldn’t face getting her out. I really really couldn’t do it.

Yen has been surprisingly okay, but laying in the patch where ciri would often lay. I think she knew she had been sick for a while so may have already come to terms with it, that’s what my vet said anyway. she hasn’t lost her appetite or overall interest in life, she’s still a relatively happy pig.

So I hope I’ve done what’s right. Thank you again
So sorry for your loss, it is truly heartbreaking to say goodbye. It sounds like you gave Ceri a wonderful life full of love. She will have really appreciated that so much. Be proud of that.

I’m glad Yen is holding up well.

Take good care as you grieve. It’s not easy especially when you’re feeling so traumatised, but people here do understand so keep sharing as much as you wish to.
I am so sorry for your loss of Ciri. :( Be kind to yourself. I'm glad Yen is holding up ok, I do believe they know when something is off.