Cinnamon and Little Yam


New Born Pup
Dec 18, 2022
Reaction score
hello everyone, yam is home and here, cinnamon didn’t notice him at first but now that she has? whenever he’s out in the open she runs up to the bars between their cages and bites at the bars, wheeks and chutts, she will sniff him when he comes near but he frankly doesn’t care, just ignores her

is this a good or bad sign from cinnamon? does she want to be with him or is she annoyed, she does this when she wants pets from me aswell, but i’m not sure

Little yam has settled well, out and about eating and drinking- cinnamon just seems to want everything to do with him, should i be concerned or is this a good sign- as i’m writing this little yam is up on his hind legs sniffing cinnamon


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Interactions between bars aren’t really an indication of how things will go in terms of them
forming a relationship (some interactions are good communication and some are nothing more than them marking their own territories) but having them live side by side for a few days before bonding does help them get to know each other.
If you are planning on bonding them, then the actual bonding day is the only way to find out what they really think of each other.

Bonding and Interaction: Illustrated social behaviours and bonding dynamics
Good luck with the bonding. I hope they like each other and want to live together. 🤞🏻