Chutting Vs Whining?

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Dec 12, 2010
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Milton Keynes
I was just looking at trying to figure out what Snufkin's noises mean when I'm petting him.

When I have him on my lap and am stroking him, he often makes a noise that sounds like chutting or whining.. The thing is, I cannot tell which one it is, so I have absolutely no idea if he is happy or annoyed. @)

Is there any easy way to tell?

I can make a video and upload it, if that helps.
i shall listen when i get home i dont have sound at work :(
My girl Freya will make this sound if I have both girls out at the same time, so I never know if they are just chatting to each other, or if Freya is annoyed at Lexi :{ It's all rather confusing.
That's defiantly a content chatting sound, meaning he's quite happy being petted.
I agree with Roadrunner, he seams quite happy to be where he is.
Dindy makes that noise when she's being stroked etc.
In my opinion, I think he'd prefer you not to stoke over his head/eyes. I am sure that that type of voice is because you're in his personal space and he wants that to stop, but he's obviously not annoyed enough to try to get away from you, and his noises are very mild compared to how that type of GP noise is in the extreme (when a female is wanting a male to stop chasing her, or a very confident pig doesn't want her nails clipped for example would be the most extreme example of that type of guinea "speech" ). What I mean is, although I think he's saying he's not happy with something, I don't think he's in distress.

Try stroking him in different ways/places till you find a place where he doesn't make that noise. My guinea pigs like rough sort of scratches - obviously I'm not scratching them, it's just hard to put into words! I guess it's a bit like how it might feel to be groomed by mum as a baby pig. When they really like it they'll lie flat out, stick their legs out behind them, or even roll over and maybe run away + start popcorning!

Shellza, One of my girls will make this noise if I have her + another pig out, and am stroking the other pig, instead of her, then stop when she gets a stroke! So maybe your girls want the other one to go away, so they can have you to themselves!
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I agree with an answer above about petting his head, try stroking a bit further down. He does look to be a bit irritated with the way you're stroking him, your fingers get close to his eyes and he squints.Try grooming with a soft toothbrush, or finger brush. One of my boys loves that. Does he lift his head and but your hand a bit? This is a sign of annoyance. Generally though he looks happy to sit with you, mine still run off!
The only thing I can say to contradict you is that I stroke him all over. It's difficult to stroke and hold a camera. XD I normally stroke along his back, and it's the same thing.

He very rarely lifts his head to get me to stop touching him.
does he head bunk too when you stroke his head lol, i dont think its bothering him at all my 5yr old sow does this then settles down to sleep, i think he is just talking to you.

if he was chattering his teeth really loud then i would say he is getting a bit pi**ed off :)
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