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Chocolate Danger?

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Adult Guinea Pig
Feb 6, 2016
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I think Beans may have ate an m&m that was lying in the floor.. is this dangerous for her?
I'm panicking now... I didn't realise it was there or I would have picked it up
Thank. Just to clarify it wasn't the big peanut M and Ms it was the small crispy ones. I'm freaking out.
I've gave her a bit of lettuce and she ate it fine and she's now running about and eating hay. I was thinking of phoning the vets and asking, it would be the emergency vets but would it cost just to phone and ask a question? Am I over reacting?
I think Beans may have ate an m&m that was lying in the floor.. is this dangerous for her?
I'm panicking now... I didn't realise it was there or I would have picked it up

My guinea pigs I have had in the past have some times eaten stuff of the floor they shouldn't have but they have been fine. I would say it won't harm them really badly. Just keep an eye on it and if he has some problems then take him to the vets.
Hope I helped a bit,
Flash1508 x
Just keep a close eye on her and consult a vet if you are worried. Make sure she is eating, drinking and popping ok and stick to safe foods...

My guys frequently nibble things they shouldn't during floortime despite my best efforts but we haven't had any problems thankfully. Usually my guys avoid chocolate seeming to favour licking gravy off your dinner plate or eating bread etc. Not ideal as no-one seems to have told them they are vegetarian either! @karonus perhaps our piggies should have a software update with a complete list of things they shouldn't eat ;)
She was okay. I phoned the vet who asked her weight and how much chocolate she ate and determined that she should be okay maybe just a bit of a funny tummy for a day or two. I gave her a little bit of probiotic that I have for Toast and she was fine.
I probably completely over reacted but I do worry about them! :doh:
Just keep a close eye on her and consult a vet if you are worried. Make sure she is eating, drinking and popping ok and stick to safe foods...

My guys frequently nibble things they shouldn't during floortime despite my best efforts but we haven't had any problems thankfully. Usually my guys avoid chocolate seeming to favour licking gravy off your dinner plate or eating bread etc. Not ideal as no-one seems to have told them they are vegetarian either! @karonus perhaps our piggies should have a software update with a complete list of things they shouldn't eat ;)

Why is it bread they all have a fascination for.
Why is it bread they all have a fascination for.
No idea but over the years my boys have gone for everything from tandoori chicken gravy, donuts, toast, yoghurt, puddings and tea! They seem to have no self preservation instinct at all and pretty much want whatever their hooman herd members are having.... Chocolate is least popular as contraband items go!
Twinkle loves chips especially macdonalds, tissues, spuds, bread including wrappers and lindt chocolate. Nova has a penchant for designer handbags especially Katy's. In fact Nova will push stuff out of the way to get to the handbag (a carvela bag).
Mine all have a thing for black bin bags (have lost count of the times after cleaning out their cage that I have taken the bag out into the kitchen only to find a trail of piggy poo and hay behind me as there is a gaping great hole in the side of the bag) - the dustpan and the brush.
I think Beans may have ate an m&m that was lying in the floor.. is this dangerous for her?
I'm panicking now... I didn't realise it was there or I would have picked it up

Please keep monitoring her. Chocolate is not good for them, but a small amount should not be lethal. See a vet as an emergency in case she is deteriorating. Piggies are ever so good at find all the things you wouldn't like them to! :(
Mine are more apt to eat non-food items, like plastic, hair elastics, etc. What makes that appealing to eat? When I had hedgehogs, they were all about getting to the human food... we have a picture of one of mine licking a popsicle. He loved those things! Their stomachs aren't as easily upset as guinea pigs, so we were a bit more lenient with the human food with them!
I must be very fortunate, they are really fussy. The only thing one of mine did once was lick some sherry of my finger, she liked that! My boy also Loves black plastic bags as well...what is that about?
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