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So i THINK my new cavy, Dibs, chirruped yesterday. Not sure if that was what it was, so maybe you can help. He tilted his nose straight up to the sky and let out the LOUDEST noises i have ever heard a guinea pig make. It was like the "wheeeeek" sound they make when the food bag rustles only MUCH louder and even higher pitched. Accompanying each wheek was bit of a wheezy sound. It totally startled me, and my older pig, Bear, who immediately ran up to him to see what was wrong (he almost never approches him, usually it's Dibs bothering Bear and Bear having none of it). Has anyone heard this noise before? What does it mean? I hope he wasn't in pain or anything!
Ooooh i hope it is how exciting for you.
Mmmmm somebody on here has posted a thread before with the sound of it, that might help you.
Other than that, guinealynx has a thread on it as well as there's quite a few on you tube.
Awwwww how beautiful :-* :-*
thanks glynis! so i watched the youtube videos and that definitely wasn't it. :( it was more like a VERY loud Wheek. hmm, i'm stumped...if he does it again i'll record it for your expert interpretations. :D
Cindy does this sometimes... she crawl under my hair right next to my ear and lets oout the BIGGEST wheek 98) :D
hehe i WISH! he's not people-trained quite yet as he spent most of his young life in a rescue full of scary barking dogs. so he's not such a fan of giant-me lumbering over to pick him up, sail him through the air at a great height, and force him to watch bad soap operas with me on my lap, lol. maybe he wanted attention from Bear, since he definitely went rushing over to give him the once-over sniff! :)
i read about this in a peter gurney book. he called it a chirrup too. he says: "at first there is a short,sharp panting of breath, and all guinea pigs in the vicinity will freeze.the guinea pig making the noise will raise its head and look like its in a trance.its companions will either look towards it or stand transfixed, staring ahead. it can last for a minute or more.sometimes it will stop abruptly with the guinea pig giving a shake of its head and look a little confused. alternatively, it will gradually tail off and just continue as if nothing odd had occurred."

is this what happened? hope i helped. O0
Oh that sounds very like it! definitely the sharp pant of breath before each noise, and he pointed his nose right into the air. Bear, who usually ignores him, came out of his bed to stare at him and after he was done, approached him to check him out. thanks so much!
p.s. is there more than one peter gurney book? do you recommend them, or is it mostly pretty obvious stuff that a guinea pig owner would know already?
No, i actually learnt tons from them. they are pretty easy to get, and in most libraries-its called collins pet guides:guinea pigs by peter gurney. another one is piggy potions, but the first one is better: potions is about alternative medicine. from the way that he writes , you can tell how much he loves guinea pigs.
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