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May 9, 2009
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Just wondering if anyone has any experience with Chirping?

My Felix has had two chirping sessions.... I thouhgt there was a bird in the room!

I have researched it.. but there is not alot of information on it..
Lucky you! i dont have any experience of this but i have seen a few posts on the forum and i think i saw a vid. Am sure someone more experienced will be in touch.
The reasons for chirping (the piggy song) are varied. Some say its a stressed piggy who does this, others say a happy piggy. Some have heard the song when a cage-mate has left.

I have never heard any of my own do it but have heard it from one of my friends piggies sing when i was looking after them last year; every night at veggie time she would sing. I asked if she always did it & the answer was yes. My friend was new to piggies & thought it was normal :)
Only one of my piggies 'sings'. He usually does this when he is out for exercise time in the piggies room. He usually goes mad popcorning after his song therefore I take the singing to be a sign of contentment. Not every piggy owner is lucky enough to hear this magical sound so enjoy..
In all the years, I've heard it only once from one of my piggies. Count yourself blessed!
its so pretty!

tilly my blind girl does it too! i have also been told different things by different people,but when she does it she is happy:) it does sound like a bird i have an african grey parrot who makes lots of beautiful chirps and whistles and tilly sounds just like her when she chirps
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