Chirping When They Hear The Guitar?

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New Born Pup
May 26, 2015
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I have never played my guitar around my guinea pigs before but today decided to practice the cords near their cage. I only just started so I'm not good at all. I was playing the D cord when all of a sudden I hear chirping from where there cage is. I have never heard them make this noise before so I looked it up and it seems kind of rare. Is this true? Is anyone else's pigs ever chirped at a certain noise?
The chirp is always such a mystery, most people seem to feel it's a sound they make in sort of an alarm? But people have different views so who knows!
That's so funny! It must sound like something to them! Chirping is poorly understood no matter what the cause. I've heard some of my pigs chirp over the years, but never in response to any specific noise that I could identify. Linney did used to make the displeased 'brrrrr' noise whenever I dialed the phone in her presence, so she must have found the noise threatening somehow. I also had a hedgehog that used to respond to the alarm clock buzzer by making an 'eeeeeee' noise. I think he thought it was another male hedgehog, it was kind of similar to a courting sound that I heard boys make when there was a girl around.
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