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Aug 8, 2010
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My two piggies were in their cage- in the kitchen (door was open leading into it) a vase fell making a rather loud noise. They both retreated into their little hut but Ringo (sensitive one) was making a lot of bird like noises. Had them both out, he was really scared by the whole thing and is sitting inside a little tunnel he's got.

Do I just leave him and George to sort it out or do I get them both back out again? They've had about 20 minutes out but I thought it's best Ring goes back into his cage. He really is a sensitive little thing- George is fine and chilling!
He will soon overcome his fear. He must have got a shock. WHy not pick him up and give him a cuddle?
I did. 'was quite scary actually- never heard that kind of sound from a piggie before, I thought he was going to have a heart attack or something!

Had him out as soon as I got up again, very quiet but I think he's on the mend! :))
I think there's two different kinds of chirping with such subtle differences it's hard to tell them apart. I've only heard the alarmed, scared chirping from George a few days before his brother attacked him so obviously unhappy although I didn't realise that at the time.
Flinstones posted a thread about two of her pigs and their chirping were a little different from each other.
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