Chirping Saved My Fingers in Nail Trims!


New Born Pup
Nov 15, 2021
Reaction score
Kentucky, US
Little backstory:
A month or so ago I woke up in the middle of the night to some weird chirping sounds. It is the dead of winter so I know it’s not a bird. My only other guess was my Guinea pigs. One google search later and I realize I’m one of the lucky ones that get to hear this sound from them! I recorded it so I could further process this new knowledge in the morning.

Fast forward to a few days ago, I’m going through my memories and the chirping video sounds. All my piggies were still and silent. Just tried playing the video with my most wild piggy in a nail trim and it was the best nail trim ever! I wanted to share this news in case any other owner out there has some wild ones in health checks/ nail trims or any other activities. I’ll post my video so you guys can try it out with your pigs :)

Guinea Pig Chirping in the Middle of the Night

(Hopefully this link works)
You are very lucky indeed :) It’s still unknown why some guinea pigs chirp but I believe it’s very special. I once caught my late Emma chirping and her cage friends were all stood still and silent.

When I had outdoor pigs several years ago, I heard chirping coming from the hutch. It stopped as I got closer and I never did find who was the culprit and I never heard it again
Yes that's the sound! My Geezer did it twice during the night I introduced him to baby Eppu, then some time ago (about 3 weeks) from under the couch, and last week we caught Baldrick (6 months old) chirping in the cage some time after dinner. As you said, all the others were silent and listening. Unfortunately I can't add anything as to why they do it. They didn't seem to be aware of their surroundings, like "sleepwalking" kind of. I hope someday we'll get to know what it is! :)