Chirping at the full moon


New Born Pup
May 9, 2023
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Hello everyone,

I’m new here. So hello!

Just wanted to see if anyone else has noticed unusual stuff happening around the full moon.

We have two boys and one of them has been chirping, one night a month for the past 3 months around the full moon. At first we thought it was a bird, such an unusual high pitched repeating sound. Then after doing some research we have realised it’s the guinea pigs. When I go downstairs and switch the light on they are both highly energised and running around chasing each other making lots of normal noises, then if I turn the light back off and leave it a while the chirping sound starts again and they go really quiet apart from the chirping.

Is it just coincidence that it’s happening just once a month at full moon? They turn 1 year old next month and have such quirky personalities but I’m sure there must be a reason for the pattern of behaviour.
Most owners will never hear their piggies chirp. No one really knows why they do it. It's thought to be a vestigial sound left over from their wild ancestors which has potentially lost its meaning. 2 of my piggies chirp, but it's not limited to the full moon. It's a bit on an enigma.

As long as they're both fine, I wouldn't worry about it and enjoy their singing 😄
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Nobody really knows why chirping happens. Do consider yourself lucky to have heard it though - most of us never will!
Most owners will never hear their piggies chirp. No one really knows why they do it. It's thought to be a vestigial sound left over from their wild ancestors which has potentially lost its meaning. 2 of my piggies chirp, but it's not limited to the full moon. It's a bit on an enigma.

As long as they're both fine, I wouldn't worry about it and enjoy their singing 😄
Thank you for this 😊 we were certainly confused at first because it’s so unlike all their other sounds. How often do yours do it?
Welcome to the forum

Nobody really knows why chirping happens. Do consider yourself lucky to have heard it though - most of us never will!
I will definitely sleep better now I know there’s not a bird in the house 😅 I think I’ll start a diary of when they do it and see if there is a pattern.
Thank you for this 😊 we were certainly confused at first because it’s so unlike all their other sounds. How often do yours do it?
Yes it can be a bit confusing or even worrisome when you first hear it. Sometimes it could be every other week sometimes I can hear it several days/nights in a row. It depends on Eris and Mia really 😂
Aw my rainbow bridge (passed away) skinny pig Tallulah used to chirp at the full moon! She was a total weirdo lol :)
Glad she isn't the only piggy who ever did this, it was very spooky, but she was a very spooky piggy!
I’ve got a herd full of chirpers. They like to do it around 3-5am which is just wonderful for me…! Haha. Doesn’t feel like a privilege when I’m pulling the quilt over my head trying to block them out!

Whenever I’ve gone in the check them everyone is fine they just like to chirp in the early hours apparently 🤷‍♀️
Welcome to the forum.
We look forward to getting to know you and your piggies

I’ve never had a chirper except one occasion when Phoebe gave a little chirp, surprised herself so much that she never did it again.