Chirping At 2am Is This Normal?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jan 6, 2014
Reaction score
Hi All,

2am this morning my guinea pig decided to make a unusual sound. I ran through to see what was happening and all three of them just sitting there looking suspicious. So after 10 mins of watching them watch me back I decided to go back to bed.

At 2:30am the noise started again but this time I went in she carried on making the noise.

Reading online it seems an unusual and rare sound. Others state it's fear and potentialy a death in the group which is worrying.

What are other people's thoughts?

P.s. i have brought them in for the winter about 2 weeks ago but they are making thier usual noises.
It is supposed to be rare but I have had a few chirpers. My Tim also did it at about 2am and for about 10 minutes non stop. No-one really knows what it means. The worrywart in me makes me panic though and my mind goes into overdrive.
I've had one that did this and at the same time. No idea what it means but I love hearing it, really makes me smile :-)
Try not to worry.

It is quite rare, we have heard it 4 times in 9 years. No one really knows why piggies chirp. Some people say it is a spooked sound but I am unsure.

I have walked in on piggies chirping and wondered what has caused it but saw Widget start one day and nothing had distressed her. She was eating hay, wlaked through her house went to food bowl and started chirping for 3 minutes and the others stopped and watched her, she then stopped and went about her piggy business.
I have just remembered, Little Rose did it a couple of weeks ago. She was just sat in the middle of the room eating hay. Not spooked at all. Nothing bad happened afterwards.
Thank you for reassuring me :)... I was completly startled, thought there was a fight that happened. I couldn't sleep afterwards...

I took her out of her cage and gave her some cuddles and after that she calmed down.
Chirping seems like one of those weird and random behaviors that no one really understands. I've heard it about three times over seven or so years of pig ownership. Totally random, nothing scary going on, no deaths or illnesses... just random weird pigs!
Well we slept through the whole nigjt no singing guinea pigs... shame really now o know what a beautiful sound it is I want her to do it again :)

Thanks for all your replies x
One of my new boys chipped at 2am the first night he arrived. No chirping since. Both fine. Nobody dead!
I'm SO gutted, one of my girlies chirped yesterday morning (we think it's Cissy, as she was acting weird afterwards) but I was asleep, and by the time my mum came upstairs and woke me she had stopped :soz: I ran downstairs but nothing.

Apparently it was beautiful and melodious, I'm pretty upset that I missed it! I hope I will get to hear it soon.
On owning piggies over 16 years I've only had one chirper :) When I heard it I thought a bird must have got into the house somehow, but it was one of our piggies :) The other one just stared at her whilst she sang lol :) It did unnerve me a bit though, it went on for what seemed like ages & she sat really still whilst she did it, she looked like she was in a a trance :)
Here is Munchkin chirping away again not so long after her first session..

(She is the guinea pig hiding under the house)

Big Mamma is just having a little nose

Lovely sound :yahoo:

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