From the end of January Alfie has started losing weight rapidly. She has lost 1/3 of her body weight despite syringe feeding. At first the vets thought it might be kidney failure or gastrointestinal problems. They checked her teeth and they were ok She has had rounds of painkillers, antibiotics, antiparasites, gut-stimulants. If she is not on pain meds she feels miserable otherwise she is happy, begging for pea flakes, even eating a little bit of her pellets. After consultation with more experienced cavy vet they decided to do a sideway X-ray. On it we saw that one of her upper front teeth has some cracks. She also chipped some of it the other day. They are recommending putting her under anaesthesia for trimming and better check of her mollars. My worries are with her weight, I would really like for her to gain weight but she has some very gassy days and I have stopped fruits and vegetables for her tummy to feel better but as you can see she still has a lot of gas in her tummy. Yesterday was a very bad day - she was on a break from metacam and in the morning she could barely walk - then I gave her her dose and she felt better and started eating but not pooped only 3 poops for the whole day and then at the evening and during the night she was a poop machine.
Do you have any recommendations for what to give her to gain weight? She is currently on Cavia complete pellets, I'm syringe feeding her Oxbow CC(since wednesday - had to order it internationally), I give her Fibreplex, vitamins and pea flakes as treats. She has constant supply of hay
Also any advises or anything you see looking at her X-ray would be welcomed.
From the end of January Alfie has started losing weight rapidly. She has lost 1/3 of her body weight despite syringe feeding. At first the vets thought it might be kidney failure or gastrointestinal problems. They checked her teeth and they were ok She has had rounds of painkillers, antibiotics, antiparasites, gut-stimulants. If she is not on pain meds she feels miserable otherwise she is happy, begging for pea flakes, even eating a little bit of her pellets. After consultation with more experienced cavy vet they decided to do a sideway X-ray. On it we saw that one of her upper front teeth has some cracks. She also chipped some of it the other day. They are recommending putting her under anaesthesia for trimming and better check of her mollars. My worries are with her weight, I would really like for her to gain weight but she has some very gassy days and I have stopped fruits and vegetables for her tummy to feel better but as you can see she still has a lot of gas in her tummy. Yesterday was a very bad day - she was on a break from metacam and in the morning she could barely walk - then I gave her her dose and she felt better and started eating but not pooped only 3 poops for the whole day and then at the evening and during the night she was a poop machine.
Do you have any recommendations for what to give her to gain weight? She is currently on Cavia complete pellets, I'm syringe feeding her Oxbow CC(since wednesday - had to order it internationally), I give her Fibreplex, vitamins and pea flakes as treats. She has constant supply of hay
Also any advises or anything you see looking at her X-ray would be welcomed.