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Aug 30, 2006
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My sister has woken up this morning to baby chinchillas. She would like to have some advice as she didnt even know that she was pregnant. She has a male and female and thought that it would be some years before anything would happen! Any advice would be great!
I can't help, sorry, but maybe you could try a 'chinchilla pregnancies' 'chinchilla babies' or 'chinchilla breeding' you might get some decent results?
wot do u need to know ? i have chins 5 in fact ! take dad out coz like piggies they can get mrs chinchilla preggy pretty darn quick ! & you need to seperate the boys (if there are any ) if you need help with sexing i can send you pics etc , i also belong to some really nice helpfull web sites :)
I think she is about sorted now, but when would she have to remove the boys from their mother. Can you belive it that they are pregnant for 111days!
Mary said:
I think she is about sorted now, but when would she have to remove the boys from their mother. Can you belive it that they are pregnant for 111days!

Yep I saw that on a site.

I think it's 8-10 weeks?

"If you have a baby girl(s) you can keep them with the mom if you desire; however if it is a boy or boys you will want to remove them by the time they are 8-10 weeks old as they can impregnate mom. Keeping the baby females with mom all depends on whether or not the dad is still housed with her or was removed. He will mate with the babies and you do not want any interbreeding taking place. (chins do not have the concept of others being their relatives)"

"The babies can be weaned at 6-10 weeks of age, depending on their size and what condition their mother is in."

Hope that helped? :-\

As others have said Dad needs removing from Mum as he can get her pregnant staright away. This is called a breedback and isnt good for Mum as she will be using all her resourses for feeding the new babies.

Please dont remove any of the babies from the mother, baby males can not get mum pregnant and only need to be removed by 8/10 weeks but 12 weeks at the very latest..

Chinchillas can breed from as little as 5/6 months old so having a male/female pair together means they will breed. They will continue breeding if Dad goes back into Mum. It is not advisable to breed a female chin thats under 1 year.

Dad needs to stay out till the kits are at least 7 days old, but Mum will come back into season in about 4 weeks and would end up pregnant again.

Please ask your sister to consider having dad castrated, lots of vets can do it and he would need to stay away from the female for 6 weeks after castration.

Kits will need weighing daily, at roughly the same time to ensure mum is feeding them enough. They will lose a few grams each day, but should start to put on weight by about day 3.

If you need any other advice feel free to contact me at [email protected]
or come and join us at

Unless the chins your sister has, are pedigree chins with full history background, then its really not advisable to breed from them as heredity conditions can occur.

Edited to add, Mum needs her sandbath withholding for seven days, as she can get an infection as she will remain open down below for roughly seven days.
Mary said:
My sister has woken up this morning to baby chinchillas. She would like to have some advice as she didnt even know that she was pregnant. She has a male and female and thought that it would be some years before anything would happen! Any advice would be great!

ohhh i'd love to see piccies ;D ;D
If you have a mesh floor then it is adviseable to line the cage floor with a piece of carpet/ old towel/ newspaper as young kits can get their leg/ feet stuck and cause serious harm to themselves .

As Sam has said the male must be removed immediately as the female comes back into season within 12hrs of giving birth and the male will mate with her again leading to a 'breedback' which is very unhealthy for the mum.
Any male kits would def need removing at 8-10 weeks and definitely by 12 weeks as they will breed with mum and sister. We have known young males of 4 months able to impregnate a sister of the same age who then had to undergo a caesarian and lost both the kits and very nearly her own life, she lived only because of the total 24hr care she received from a friend of mine :(

If your sister does not have at least a 2 generation history of her chins then I would certainly advise looking for a knowledgeable vet who has performed castrations for the male as so many unknown genetic hereditary defects can rear their ugly head :( As some one who has taken a fair few rescues and I can speak from experience that its heartbreaking losing a furrccall that you have cared for due to some one else's bad breeding practices :(

I have added a link for your sister to read which goes into depth for new chin parents and has lots of superb information LINK HERE
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