Children And Guinea Pigs


Junior Guinea Pig
Mar 8, 2018
Reaction score
Illinois, Usa
Hey everyone! I was doing some snooping around the forum and something came to my attention when I was looking at the children and Guinea Pigs thread. So I was wanting to know everyone's opinion. What do you think is the proper age of a child/teen when they can be alone with Guinea Pigs?
I personally think it depends a lot on the child, the piggy, and the degree of parental support.
For example when our piggies were new (and very skittish) the children were never allowed to pick them up - only hold them in their laps while sitting down, and always with an adult next to them to supervise.

These days (2 years later) both girls regularly handle the piggies alone.
We know their personalities well, so for example DD1 is the only person who ever handles Ruby because she doesn't like anyone else and will bite.
Lucy is difficult to catch, but the calmest and most snuggly of all our piggies.
Eddi is just laid back and easy to catch and handle and loves a good snuggle.
And Oreo is easy to catch and does love to be held but is quite fidgety and squeaks constantly, so again it is mostly DD1 who handles her.

The exception to this is that in Summer when we are taking them outside for lawn time I always take them (even Ruby) because the risk of dropping one in the garden it too great to take.
I personally think it depends a lot on the child, the piggy, and the degree of parental support.
For example when our piggies were new (and very skittish) the children were never allowed to pick them up - only hold them in their laps while sitting down, and always with an adult next to them to supervise.

These days (2 years later) both girls regularly handle the piggies alone.
We know their personalities well, so for example DD1 is the only person who ever handles Ruby because she doesn't like anyone else and will bite.
Lucy is difficult to catch, but the calmest and most snuggly of all our piggies.
Eddi is just laid back and easy to catch and handle and loves a good snuggle.
And Oreo is easy to catch and does love to be held but is quite fidgety and squeaks constantly, so again it is mostly DD1 who handles her.

The exception to this is that in Summer when we are taking them outside for lawn time I always take them (even Ruby) because the risk of dropping one in the garden it too great to take.
Yeah... So never let my brothers handle a piggy. :) I'm the one who takes care of them. The rest of my family have no interest in them and I am called the 'crazy pig lady'. :) Thanks!
I own 3 piggies and a rabbit. I won't let some of my friends who are the same age as me handle my small pets because they tend to be a little spontaneous, but my little cousins are really gentle with them. It really depends on the kids I think.
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Hey everyone! I was doing some snooping around the forum and something came to my attention when I was looking at the children and Guinea Pigs thread. So I was wanting to know everyone's opinion. What do you think is the proper age of a child/teen when they can be alone with Guinea Pigs?
I would say 10+
Hey everyone! I was doing some snooping around the forum and something came to my attention when I was looking at the children and Guinea Pigs thread. So I was wanting to know everyone's opinion. What do you think is the proper age of a child/teen when they can be alone with Guinea Pigs?

There is no firm rule - it very much depends on the child, how reliable it is and how well it is able to handle a piggy, knows how to hold and deal with it properly, is calm around a piggy and can be trusted not use it for play etc. , how to put it back safely in the transport carrier for putting back into the cage (avoids freak jumps, which are the biggest occasion for injuries).

Ideally you start with just being in hearing distance through an open door or window, so you can keep an eye and ear out.

I know a number rescues that won't rehome piggies to families with children under 10 years any longer as too many deaths from unsupervised handling have resulted.
My own 2 children grew up with animals, we already had 2 cats when they were born.

I always supervised them when they were little but they were always gentle around them anyway.

My Granddaughter is 6 months old and I hold her little hand when she stroked the piggies. Any suggestion of a grab from her and I move her away! she is far too young to understand that she may hurt them!

As long as they are supervised then I think children and animals can be lovely together :)