The best places to advertise a new business is on free ad gumtree and touch local, i would recommend both of these two website as they get you onto google.
The website looks great! and a few pointers to help you get onto google too are:
Google likes paragraphs.
Google picks up words from your website, so writing 'invisible' things on the bottom of your page is good...for example 'child minding in Rugby'. By invisible writing i mean the same colour as your back ground, so in your case blue or white. That way people can't read all the gobbledygook at the bottom of your page but google can.
Google doesn't like GIFS, which means those pictures that move, like this... :smitten: so don't use any of those
Links are also good, so search for appropriate website which will add links on for you, but in return you have to put links on your you need to make a links page.
Perhaps see if you can put some leaflets in your local schools reception, or a youth club or play group etc..
Hope some of that helps