New Born Pup
My piggy, Chewy, had a great life. He had an adopted brother, Chunky, for four years until Chunky had to unfortunately be put down due to many health issues. Especially after that, I spoiled Chewy a lot, giving him lots of treats and veggies. He loved sitting on my lap and getting pets. He had floor time with me frequently. Unfortunately, Chewy developed a tumor back in October. I decided not to have it operated on due to his age. He seemed perfectly happy and healthy up until about 2 days ago. He then began to refuse all food and only drank a bit of water. He just wanted to hide in his pigloo. He seemed relatively comfortable. I picked him up and sang softly to him and petted him before putting him back in his pen. This morning around 7 am, I heard him scratching around in his litter. I turned the light on and went to see him. He was on his side barely breathing. I petted him and told him I loved him, and he passed shortly thereafter. Could he have been saved had I taken him to the vet as soon as he stopped eating? I feel so guilty about this, but I'm hoping that there wasn't anything I could've done different aside from making him comfy like I did. I wrapped him in his favorite blanket and my dad was kind enough to place him gently in a box and take him to the vet to be cremated. I hope Chewy knows how much he was loved, and I hope I didn't miss out on trying to save him. I'm at least at peace with the fact that he didn't have to be put down at the vet, because he would've been so scared. Attached is a picture of Chewy from just a few weeks ago