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New Born Pup
May 29, 2016
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Hi hope this is the right place. Tootie has started (or that I have just noticed) to chew the skirting boards, the wooden door and the front (pvc) door and a bit of the wall (weirdly). Fruity has on a few occassions copied the skirting boards. I have been tapping his nose when he is doing it to try and deter it (only gently) and been saying no and bad Tootie. They have chew sticks and toys so I'm not quite sure how more to go about deterring this. Any ideas or perhaps reasons why they would start this and completely ignore all chew toys? Many thanks!
One of my Guinea Pigs and my rabbit do this and it drives me crazy! I just forked out new hutches for all of them and their favourite pastime is chewing it to bits, haha!

With the rabbit I haven't had much luck - she'll eat the chew sticks and everything else, haha! I'm not sure why they'd suddenly start chewing - do you swap out what toys they have regularly? The piggies might have gotten bored of the older chew toys and are looking for something else to chew on! The only thing I've found that works for my piggies are the Pets At Home honey sticks; they go absolutely nuts for them!

With my Guinea Pigs (and naughty rabbit!) I usually make sure to swap out their chew toys once every couple of days. You could always get crafty! Recently I've been hiding their favourite treats inside little bits of willow (you can get these from pets at home) with lots of hay to encourage them to chew and forage on that instead!

Good Luck! Maybe you could build something that blocks the piggies from reaching the areas you don't want them to chew, too?
They do get new things to play with but making something sounds like an idea. I shall give it a try. I cant really block it off as he chews various places around the hallway but I shall give the foraging idea a go and see if that stops it. Thank you
Cardboard boxes with hay and treats mixed in with it usually go down well- try mixing in some oat hay, readigrass or dry dandelion forages. The carboard box itself usually goes down great with the lttle chewers!
I put a tub of hay down and they both devoured it and they love boxes (worse than cats) so will give that a go as well thanks!
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