Chewing cage bars


New Born Pup
Aug 20, 2022
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One of my 8 week old boys is chewing the cage bars a lot. My girl I had for 4 years never did this. Any advice?
When does he do this? Is this around feeding time or hopes is feeding time? Or is it towards a neighbor? Chewing is basically piggy impatience. One of my current foster piggies does this. He chews the bars when he thinks I am taking too long to bring food over. Or when he thinks food should be coming his way. As he is a friendly pig and enjoys a pat, I just reach in a give him a little pat and head scratch. He normally stops his chewing when I do this. Or I just reach in, fluff the hay in his cage, and then leave. That normally stops him from his incessant chewing.

Here is a picture of the little guy.

Does he do this continuously or only when you're feeding him? Whenever I reach for their pellet bag, my piggies start freaking out and chewing the bars. They stop when I give them food.
Bar chewing can be both a good and a bad behavior.
It's always good if your piggy communicates with you that it needs something. But at the same time this behavior can be a bad thing because, for instance in my experience, my piggy actually broke his tooth chewing on the cage, before I had a chance to get to him. :(
So, to prevent any further accidents, I pinned some mesh inside of his cage so he couldn't get to the bars to chew. But, as well as preventing injury, this meant he couldn't "tell" me when he needs something. Fortunately, he learned to squeak instead.
I hope my example helps you.
As @RedLoredAmazon said, piggies really only chew if they need something, if they expect that it's feeding time or if they just want a cuddle. :luv:
I have a pig who does this (if you search I’m sure my thread will come up!). It drove me nuts! He did it as soon as I had to separate him and his cage mate. What fixed mine was blocking his sight of the other one. They can still smell and hear each other but if he gets a look at the other one, he starts again! I found totally ignoring him (while difficult) does work. He now only chews the grids at food time when I apparently take too long :xd::D
He does this every night for long periods of time. He has been fed fully, has full water, has enjoyed fresh spring mix and carrots, has been held and petted. He still does it. It's driving my husband crazy!
Yes, as long as the cardboard doesn't have a glossy finish, is colored, or treated in any way. If it's raw cardboard, it's safe for piggies to chew and even eat.
In fact, I gave my piggy a piece of cardboard that was coated in squashed banana and rolled in finely chopped grass. He LOVED it! 😊
He does this every night for long periods of time. He has been fed fully, has full water, has enjoyed fresh spring mix and carrots, has been held and petted. He still does it. It's driving my husband crazy!

Maybe your piggy (having heard that you've given him all he needs) just wants floor time? At dinner time, my piggy still seems to want something so usually I let him roam around the floor and he loves it. I think he just likes being with everyone. Maybe your piggy wants the same?
Yes, they can chew cardboard like @Zorro1 said. I give my piggies toliet paper and paper towel rolls for them to chew on. They love dragging them around their cage.
He might be teething because he is still a baby.

This isn’t correct, piggies don’t go through teething. Baby guinea pigs are born with all the teeth they will ever have. Their teeth are open rooted and continue to grow throughout their whole lives and it is eating hay and grass which keeps them at the correct length.

He does this every night for long periods of time. He has been fed fully, has full water, has enjoyed fresh spring mix and carrots, has been held and petted. He still does it. It's driving my husband crazy!

Bar biting is an attention seeking behaviour.
If for example, you give him food whenever he chews the bars, he will learn that all he has to do is the chew the bars and youll give him more. You can try to ignore bar chewing behaviours

I know you were asking about cage sizes, have you been able to give them more space? That may help.
There is also the enrichment thread which may give him other things to focus on - Enrichment Ideas for Guinea Pigs

A - Z of Guinea Pig Behaviours

You will also find this guide useful - Who is the Boss - Your Guinea Pig or You?

Make sure you don’t give carrots often - they should only have one tiny amount and no more than once per week. Carrots are too high in sugar and must be kept limited
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Oh dear! Could you put up a piece of cardboard on the side he really likes to chew? Maybe he will go for that instead or it will at least block him.
Yes, one of my guinea pigs likes to chew (less now since she is older). We give her paper bags or cardboard--plain with no print. These are her "projects" that keep her busy. The other guinea pigs use them as hidey houses.