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Cherry eye?


New Born Pup
Oct 22, 2019
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Hey everyone! My girl Penelope came up with this pink lump on the inner corner of her eye on Thursday, it came up overnight! We went to the vets yesterday, he thought it may be similar to cherry eye in dogs?
He has prescribed her maxitrol ointment 4 times a day for 7-10 days to see if it brings the inflammation down. But if that doesn’t work, she may need it cutting off and sending for biopsy.
It’s not bothering her one bit and it’s not grown any bigger since it came up, still eating & playing as usual.
Has anyone seen this before and actually know what it is?
Disclaimer: not an expert! I'm sure someone knowledgeable will be along to help soon :)

My Tico had something like that back in September. Just like you say, it didn't bother her at all. She was prescribed antibiotic eye drops three times a day for a couple of weeks. Isathal I think? They did the trick but it seemed to take a while. The vet warned me that it would start getting better and then get worse again before healing completely, and that's exactly what happened. It did go away eventually though, and has been fine since.
I’m no expert on eyes either, but it’s good that your vet is planning for a plan B in case the initial,treatment doesn’t work.
One of my RB piggies Mr Ted had eye problems that looked similar. He had eye drops, then a biopsy that showed overgrowth of conjunctival cells. Our exotics vet got it under control with antihistamine drops and diluted steroid drops but he had flare ups and needed drops from time to time. Although it bothered me, it didn’t seem to bother him too much.
My late Enoch had similar that would go away with eye drops and then come back again from time to time. His was due to an untreated torn conjunctiva from a fight before he came to me. It never bothered him. It's good that your vet has a plan B in place. Hopefully the eye drops will work
Hey everyone! My girl Penelope came up with this pink lump on the inner corner of her eye on Thursday, it came up overnight! We went to the vets yesterday, he thought it may be similar to cherry eye in dogs?
He has prescribed her maxitrol ointment 4 times a day for 7-10 days to see if it brings the inflammation down. But if that doesn’t work, she may need it cutting off and sending for biopsy.
It’s not bothering her one bit and it’s not grown any bigger since it came up, still eating & playing as usual.
Has anyone seen this before and actually know what it is?
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This looks like a prolapsed tear gland to me due to swelling of the conjunctiva and not a growth; so please do not let your vet cut it off. It should hopefully disappear again as the conjuctiva swells down.
Links - Eye Conditions - Guinea Lynx Records

Please see a vet. This looks like a prolapsed tear gland to me due to swelling of the conjunctiva and not a growth; so please do not let your vet cut it off. It should hopefully disappear again as the conjuctiva swells down.
Links - Eye Conditions - Guinea Lynx Records
We’ve already seen the vet. She’s got eye drops for 7-10 days that should hopefully bring the swelling down. She’s back at the vets in a week to see how it’s getting on. I was reluctant anyway for them to cut it off as it’s not bothering her one bit and I’m so worried about her having anaesthetic so I will avoid any surgery where possible.
We’ve already seen the vet. She’s got eye drops for 7-10 days that should hopefully bring the swelling down. She’s back at the vets in a week to see how it’s getting on. I was reluctant anyway for them to cut it off as it’s not bothering her one bit and I’m so worried about her having anaesthetic so I will avoid any surgery where possible.

All the best! You see similar purplish tear gland/conjunctiva protusions around the upper and lower lid elsewhere in the eye with conjunctivitis (which can sometimes be a bit reluctant to clear).