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Junior Guinea Pig
Feb 21, 2006
Reaction score
Widnes, Cheshire

See the cream line on Pixie's nose?
Does anybody know what it is?
From studying a website I used to be on I think its Cheilitis and that website said to use Daktarin (the members said to).
I did use it but its made it really prominent now.
What do you think it is then and is there anything I can do myself to sort it out without going to the vet.
Obviously Ill go to the vet if I cant find something, or if she were suffering (she has had that line on her nose for at least a year!) but she is happy otherwise, I just want it gone.
Thanks in advance.
xx Steph xx
Hi, what lovely piggies!
Yes, it its cheilitis, a fungal stripe down the nose. I personally havent had a piggy with this but it is not uncommon. Email Chrissie at her website www.gorgeousguineas.com and see what she recommends but something with neem in it I would say as it has anti fungal properties. You can also get this from health food shops but beware of other possible harmful ingredients.
you have lovely piggies, now the one with the stripe is pixie what is the other one called? are they sisters? as the clouring is similar. hoping you get pixie's nose sorted and that she is as happy as larry soon. hugs and cuddles :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: girls send :-* :-* :-*
my two year old male pig has had this for the last year


I am currently trying galans garden green cream. Have tried lots of differnt creams nothing seems to work :(

Its not any better but not any worse!

Is that what Fizzi has on her nose. I took her to the vets last year and she was unsure what it was!Even put a few photos on here to see what it was? Now Boris in the middle has the ''line on the nose'' same as Fizzi on the left!
Looks like the same. It doesn't seem to bother them and is quite common i understand.
[colorr]holo - Th othr girly is Missy an ys, that is hr sistr.
Thy ar awsom piggis.
I rmmbr th morning that I wnt in an foun thm with thir mum!
I nvr sn a piggy with that colouring bfor an was totally namour with thm.
Thy liv with my sistr for about a yar an although sh gav thm vrything physically that thy coul hav want, sh int hanl thm alot, so thy wnt from vry culy to quit skitty.
Thyv bn back with m for months now an ar alot mor rlax.
Pixi is mor rsrv than hr sistr, but sh is quickly bcoming a vry loving culy piggy again.

I orr a coupl of crams from GG an thy arriv (VEY QUIKY) an I start ystray with th Galns Garn Grn ram.
h my lor!
It is AMAZING, as you can s from th pictur blow, takn aftr TW applications, it is S much bttr.
I am S imprss, its just such a miraculous rsult.
Its by no mans all gon, I think that that will tak a fw ays yt, but I nvr vn ram that it coul work so wll.
So...hr is Pixi as of about tn minuts ago an aftr only two applications of galns garn grn cram.


xx Stph xx
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It truly has been miraculous so far for us.

Just felt like sharing this cute pic of Pixie from 2007 of her pulling tongues! lol


She was actually just done with eating half a grape lol
xx Steph xx
Sophie - Put it on with a cutton bud (the things you clean your ears with).
They have a habit of rubbing it off as soon as they are back in their cage but with the bud you can massage the cream into it (try feeding them some greens as you do) and no matter if they wipe it off, it is sat deep onto the stripe by then and its working its magic.
It may not work as well for other piggies, I think its a trial and error thing, but this cream has worked for us and is well worth trying.
xx Steph xx
love the picture of pixie in the first one she has a teeny bit of hay or stick hanging out of her mouth, she looks like one of them cowboys chewing on a tooth pick :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: and how RUDE poking you tongue out but sweet. another guinea pig to add to my list for piggy napping, once i work out how am i going to get to the UK as i hate flying and ships 98) 98) 98) she is a sweetie and hope she continues to improve. :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: girls send :-* :-* :-*
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