Hi there. I'm new to the forum but would like to ask your expert opinion about one of our piggies. Going back 6 weeks, my son noticed that Pumpkin had what he thought was poo stuck to his mouth... I looked and it was a brown coldsore-ish scab, so off he went to the vets for visit 1. Prescribed metacam and baytril back after a week. Week 2 a little change but told to keep up with same meds one more week. Week 3 same again and if still not better will investigate fungal. Week 4 taken off metacam and baytril and put onto intrafongal (nearly died at price!) Week 5, seems to be improving, keep up another week. We're now going into week 6 and looking at him tonight it seems to be getting quite scabby again! He's back at the vet Mon morning and was wondering if anyone could advise what they think so I can go armed with some knowledge. He's already had acidic fruit etc taken out of his diet. His brother has no signs of any problem. He has never stopped eating! He's still happy and active. By Monday I'll have spent over £350 trying to get this sorted for him - it's one thing if it helps, but in not sure it is! Any advice would be gratefully received!