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Cheilitis in my piggy


New Born Pup
Aug 13, 2022
Reaction score
New plymouth
Hi all, New here but not new to guinea pig care, however I wanted to get some help around treating cheilitis in my piggy myself.
She has very hard edges on each side of her mouth.
Do I need to remove the sores first?
I assume I do, and check that she has nothing stuck behind her teeth, but what can I treat the sores with once they are removed? I would like to avoid going to the vet if I can do this myself. I have watched some videos and neosporin and an antifungal was used. I have access to an antifungal (micreme) but not an antibiotic cream (without a prescription). Except for perhaps one usually used for conjunctivitis...
What else can I use as an antibiotic treatment? I have read coconut oil can help a lot for this issue.
and they are fine with it.
Also should I get betadine to help with removing the sores first? And keep it clean.
Basically any help in regards to treating her myself at home would be very helpful. Thank you! Thanks for any replies 😊 I am in New Zealand so may have limited access to some things that you don't in the UK.
We cannot and do not advocate the use of any home treatments. Please always see a vet for a formal diagnosis and the correct prescribed treatments.

The treatment for cheilitis depends on what bug is getting in so if you use something on spec without vet advice then you run the risk of it being the wrong thing and thus not treating it at all, temporarily suppressing it but not curing it or potentially making things worse. I would imagine pulling off the scabs would be very painful and cannot advise that that would be a good thing to do yourself.
If advanced, cheilitis can be difficult to treat so this is another reason getting the correct treatment from the beginning to prevent it advancing.
Ensure you avoid feeding acidic items such as tomatoes and fruit.
Please do see a vet
Hello and welcome to the forum. Good luck at the vets. I’m sure with the right treatment it will clear up in no time.
I'm currently having the same problem. Did you figure out something that worked?

Welcome to the forum

The OP member has not logged into the forum since August last year so you will probably not get a response.

Please see a vet to get a diagnosis and the correct treatment - cheilitis is a lip infection and can be fatal in advanced cases.

Its a good idea to start your own new thread so you can receive ongoing support.
I'm currently having the same problem. Did you figure out something that worked?
Me too, taking him to the vet this week as it’s advanced now and he will not let me use anything topically as he must HATE the smell because he flipped out and bit me! What did they prescribe for you in the end?