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How odd. My piggy Acorah has been doing this for a month now. Every so often she'll start chattering for no apparent reason. Now I heard chattering was an angry/annoyed noise, but she doesn't do it when she's angry or annoyed. She does it when she want's to be let out of her cage, when she want's to get down off of my leg and whilst I'm stroking her. It's really odd though because she's not doing it in a bad way...
duke does this quite often, no idea why even when he's snuggled up in my arm chilled out he'll start lol
I think i'll go get my boar and ill record him doing it and see if its the same sound as you heard yeah?
it's chattering. There are 10 pigs in this house I do know the difference between chattering and them being horny. She's just the only one who does it for no apparant reason.
Some of our pigs to like a teeth chattering, like when us humans get cold outside our teeth tend to chatter, well some of our guinea pigs to that, it sounds like they're filing their teeth together
Poor piggies. My room never gets too cold though. I'm very skinny so heat and cold effects me terribly, sothankfully my piggies aren't going to get too hot or cold. It just makes me wonder because I can't find an explaination for her chattering other than my sisters "You're pigs insane'
It's not that our piggies are cold at all. They're in a warm house with lots of fur, it's that they file their teeth together (the noise goes straight through me like nails on a chalk board!)
I'm not skinny, I'm average, and i get extremely cold, goes to show doesn't matter about body mass or fat or skinny lol I mean i've gone in the kitchen with my mum and dad and I'm absolutly FREEZING.. But my mum and dad are fine :|
hehe my dads always hot. I mean he walks about shirtless and in the snow...well he did till he got hyperthermia and my mum forced him to stop so now he sweats like crazy all year round :P I think it's a combination of circulation and mass. Are your feet always cold? I have such bad circulation.

Along the lines of your piggies grinding their teeth it just occured to me that she could be doing it because she HAS teeth. you see she had a lot of problems as I must have said a million times :P one of which was that she kept breaking her teeth after she stopped being ill. She'd snap them off one by one so they were never the same length or all there for longer than a day. Think it could be because her teeth are healthy again?
yep i am always cold too, especially my hands and feet, its down to poor circulation for me i think.

its great in the summer because i can go about with trousers on and I'm not sweating like everyone else but in the winter i have to pile on the layers. there are only a fw weeks in the year when i can wear flip flops without getting cold. its got its pros and cons

one of my boys chatters now and again, its definately an annoyance thing with them thou
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