Junior Guinea Pig
I have 2 sows. They 5mths old and I've had them 3.5mths. Tilly the boss is OK. She has her moments and I know when she's happy or not. Flossy on the other hand has been a timid little thing since day one. She feeds from my hand in the hutch ,sometime if she isn't in her hutch she won't. She has made a little progress but not much. She used to shake loads when on my knee in a cosy and not eat at all so I stopped that for a bit... when I pick her up she chatters at me... clearly not happy but doesn't shake . I hold her very close by my neck talking gently and stroking her. But I don't want to stop holding her as I feel we will go backwards and she will get worse. Could the chattering stop eventually in her seeing that it's not that bad being held or should I stop... or do something different? She is a nightmare to catch so she comes out the hutch in her litter tray! But I feel putting her back in that way too she will never get used to being handled. So I put her back after a 2min cuddle. I know the chattering is them saying they are not happy. .. the other does it sometimes when I stroke her while she is eating... but she then realises that I'm not going to pick her up and stops.. carries on eating