Chattering When Picked Up... How To Stop

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Junior Guinea Pig
Apr 3, 2016
Reaction score
Cheshire uk
I have 2 sows. They 5mths old and I've had them 3.5mths. Tilly the boss is OK. She has her moments and I know when she's happy or not. Flossy on the other hand has been a timid little thing since day one. She feeds from my hand in the hutch ,sometime if she isn't in her hutch she won't. She has made a little progress but not much. She used to shake loads when on my knee in a cosy and not eat at all so I stopped that for a bit... when I pick her up she chatters at me... clearly not happy but doesn't shake . I hold her very close by my neck talking gently and stroking her. But I don't want to stop holding her as I feel we will go backwards and she will get worse. Could the chattering stop eventually in her seeing that it's not that bad being held or should I stop... or do something different? She is a nightmare to catch so she comes out the hutch in her litter tray! But I feel putting her back in that way too she will never get used to being handled. So I put her back after a 2min cuddle. I know the chattering is them saying they are not happy. .. the other does it sometimes when I stroke her while she is eating... but she then realises that I'm not going to pick her up and stops.. carries on eating
some of my cavies chatter at me,when it is time to come out of the garden run.i use a cardboard tube to carry them back to the hutch.ive found it is when they are more confident in there surroundings that they chatter,9/10 it is because they do not wish to go back to there hutch !you could use a cat carrier,leave it in the run,and they will learn to put themselves in the carrier when it is time to be transported somewhere hutch,run,house .you could use a healthy treat to reinforce that behaviour to go into the carrier.:)
Given the choice think they would stay on the grass for ever!... she chatters no matter where she's going from and to. Think it's just her saying not you again! Hopefully she will see that I'm not all that bad eventually.
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