Chattering teeth

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Apr 20, 2007
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I have noticed that donald sometimes does this when I put food in the cage he comes up to me checking out whats in the bowl chattering his teeth.
Now Digby has just done this on my lap, he was just sitting there and as I was giving his head a little rub he started to fall asleep and his teeth started chattering What is this I always thought it was a warning sign but neither of them looked upset or in frightened any ideas?
Well I would hope digbys were fine as he has just come from the rspca, if he carries on I will ask them to check at his appointment on tuesday. I dont think donald has a problem but I will check.
sometimes they grind their teeth to wear them down and when they do it,its like fingernails down a blackboard :-\
Its a negative thing then

Billie used to chew a lot even when he had no food in his mouth
This was him being contented

Proper chattering is a warning IMO
Some of ours chatter their teeth, but it sounds like a grinding noise.
I had my teeth filed once at the dentist, and the sound of the instrument that the dentist used sounds like the chattering of guinea pigs grinding their teeth. Personally I think they grind their teeth down, reason for this is, I remember bumble being on my knee and squeaking while I stroked her then she stopped squeaking and started chattering, I was still stroking her the same so she couldn't be angry or frustrated, but all guinea pigs are different, some or more wary than others so many it could be a negative sign (like billies mum suggested) or they could just be simply grinding their teeth down :)
I was worried about this at one point but I've since realised that theres a very slight difference in their chattering. Mine chatter from anger very little. Jasper does it when he knows I'm coming to put him back in his cage after floor time. The other chattering though is a lot softer and sounds a bit like they're re-munching some hay that they still have left in the back of their mouth. This kind of chattering they do quite often. They might just be lounging in their cage and they'll do it but they haven't moved and no one's bothered them. So maybe that's what they're doing? If you've heard them chatter in anger, listen closely next time they do it and see if you can hear a difference in tone.
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