Chattering but At me !

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May 14, 2009
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Hi ive had my new two piggie boars for a few days. They are about 4 months old. They are doing the normal chattering at eachother etc. I'm not gonna pick them up yet as i want them to settle but whenever i go near the cage the one boar starts chattering at me and showing me his teeth!!

Its definitely aimed at me and not the other piggie. Obviously hes really scared bless him. Ive never had a piggie do this before. Is it possible that next time i put my hand in to feed them , he will attack me. I want to pick himup to check him over just to rule *** hes not doing it because of pain.
Any advice would be great,
Neither of my boys chatters their teeth so can't help there. But if you really want to pick up your boy to check him over and you're worried about biting, try picking him up in oven gloves.
Ive been told sometimes teeth chattering can be through fear and not agresion. Ditto sometimes chatters at me if ive been cuddling him to long as ive been told its because hes getting irratated .
mine chatter at me for various reasons. 'I need a pee, I'm hungry, you're not paying me any attention, I'm grumpy,' however in your case it could be fear try offering veggies when you say hello to him
Cookie chatters his teeth when he's getting impatient for his food. My daughter goes to his hutch with his bowl and he chatters his teeth at the bars-it's quite funny :)
Piggies usually chatter express displeasure about something. That can be if they feel that you are too slow or getting too close for their comfort.

I am sure that they will become more relaxed over time. For the stage that you are in, seeing signs of displeasure is actually an encouraging thing - your piggies are feeling comfy and courageous enough to tell to what is not to their liking!
My boar (and sometimes even my girl) will chatter their teeth at me if they're grumpy or annoyed. Archie used to be scared of the dustpan brush rolleyes and would chatter his teeth when I was cleaning his cage out and if I brush him now as he dislikes being brushed! :))
Thanks for the great advice everyone ! I just teased him out if his cage with some veg and then i managed to pick him up. He was fine whilst i stroked him on my lap and i checked him over. He was fine, bless i think its was out of fear rather than aggression. so thanks for the fab advice everyone x>>
Thank you for starting this thread as I was wondering why my two were chattering at me - Banana is the more relaxed one and doesn't do it very often but Gilles does it quite a bit - he is the scaredy pig! x
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