Chattering and Lunges Oh My!


New Born Pup
May 22, 2024
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Our hairless rescue has been alone her whole life but is barely over a year old. We recently got a second young pig to keep her company, and she’s a sweet fuzzball. BUT, bonding has been a challenge. In the playpen as soon as they come face to face our og girl lunges at the newbie. I’ve broken her away twice now! I don’t let it get far enough for blood or full bite, but the chattering starts instantly and she’s upset the whole time until the lunge. What now?! Do we keep trying since no blood was drawn? Or should we just accept that it’s not happening and get the new pig a friend? The rescue was a class pet that wasn’t around any other pigs so I wanted her to experience a friend, but she’s not loving it.
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I’m sorry to hear this. Lunging is a defensive, stay out of my space behaviour. It sounds as if she is struggling with fear aggression and sharing territory. You will sadly have to prepare that as she has been alone she may never accept sharing her space with another piggy.
It would be wise that she lives side by side with other piggies though. That will enable interaction between the bars but so that she doesn’t have to share her territory.

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A - Z of Guinea Pig Behaviours