Chattering and angry sows!

  • Thread starter Thread starter Alexandra
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Hey, I haven't posted in a while, but I've got a new problem for all of you:

I recently adopted a new sow, Mama, to accompany Cornelia and Caesar (both sows). Mama's owner told me that her baby had died after living together for some time and that he felt she needed a new home because she'd be lonely, so I offered to home her. Caesar is very carefree and at first all three girls got along very well. Cornelia is bossy, though, and Caesar normally takes it because they rarely nip each other. Keep in mind that Mama is a big girl, probably twice the size of either Cornelia or Caesar.

Cornelia decided that she wanted to be the boss, despite Mama being a very docile friendly piggy. She took a nice bit at her and got a bunch of hair (tho I didn't see a bald spot as Mama sheds A LOT). This was enough to off Mama and now Mama is very aggressive towards Cornelia. Sometimes towards Caesar as well, but not as much. It's mostly teeth chattering and some nips (no blood) at the moment, but what can I do? I have to house them all together (they have two floors to their cage) as I can't separate Caesar and Cornelia (Cornelia freaks out when Caesar leaves). I did notice that Caesar was extraordinarily happy last night and insisted on popcorning EVERYWHERE!

Cornelia is quite frightened of Mama now and starts to squeal and shake when she's near her. Mama will open her mouth wide to show her teeth, chatter at Cornelia, and sometimes lunge at her.

Is there anything I can do to help these girls get along? I tried bathing Mama and Cornelia together, but it didn't do much good. I had them sit and eat some yummy veggies together, and that didn't work much either. Mama refuses to share her pigloo (which is understandable), but what can I do? Get them more toys for them to interact? I don't want to have to give Mama back to her owner after all the hassle of getting the cage from him.

What shall I do? I wish these piggies would all just love each other!
Mama's introduction obviously upset Cornelia & she was letting her know she was the boss.  It sounds like Mama is now the boss & opening her mouth wide is showing Cornelia what a fantastic set of teeth she has & to behave or she'll be feeling them.

To prevent squabbles, ideally each piggy should have their own pigloo, bowl water bottle, nothing to argue over.  I know bathing them all together before putting them into a nice clean home can work, also intro on neutral ground with lots of veggies etc oh & maybe a bit of vicks rubbed on noses & bums i think, so they all smell the same. It can take days or weeks for them to settle, it needs lots of patience.

I'm by no means the best person to advise on this as i've never had any success intro'ing piggies to others, i wish you lots of luck & hope they settle down for you  :)
How are you getting on Alexandra? Any success yet?

I've spent the last 3 weeks or so getting 2 girls in with 3 other girls and touch wood, cross fingers & anything else! hoping that I've actually got there today. The 2 new ones had been living loose in a garden when I took them, 1 had babies which I've got in a separate room as they're all boys but I needed to get all the girls together and the 2 new ones I think have had to really fight for survival and one of them especially is a real little toughie! She chattered her teeth and flew at all of my girls, even when on my lap together. I had the 3 in one pen and the 2 in an adjoining pen so they got used to each other. I thought I might not get there with these but was really determined because I've not had a failure yet! I put them all in the utility room on the floor together with a big pile of grass, did that each evening for about 20 mins for several evenings and gradually they seemed to get used to each other.

Today I took the plunge and put them all in together. Gave each one a bath first. They've been together since lunch time and every now and again there's a bit of teeth chattering but I'm hoping it'll get better. They are certainly not fighting, just seem to be getting into a pecking order.

Really hope you've managed to get there. Takes a lot of patience!
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