Charlie + Harry's Bonding

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jan 11, 2011
Reaction score

I have now put Charlie (my 1 year old boar) with Harry (9 week old boar) together. They were in the neutral area for nearly 8 hours. They did have a mutual liking of each other, lying together, washing next to each other etc. However they are closely matched in dominance with neither backing down at the moment. The neutral area is quite large so whenever there was any attempt at humping, Harry was too quick and got away. Harry was also trying to hump Charlie but got pushed off or kicked off.

After 8 hours, their interactions did calm down and they laid beside each other for half an hour. So I thought I would move them to Charlie's cafe, which was cleaned and neutralized. However now it's a smaller space, there's lots of humping from both boars. Harry did seem to submit at one point, but then a few minutes later, humped Charlie's head which didn't go down well. I've had to do a temporary cool down when there was teeth chattering, but after this, they then had a sleep beside each other.

I don't know if this bonding is going to work or not. I don't want to stop it having got this far, but I also don't want either of them to get hurt. Any advice please?

I have now put Charlie (my 1 year old boar) with Harry (9 week old boar) together. They were in the neutral area for nearly 8 hours. They did have a mutual liking of each other, lying together, washing next to each other etc. However they are closely matched in dominance with neither backing down at the moment. The neutral area is quite large so whenever there was any attempt at humping, Harry was too quick and got away. Harry was also trying to hump Charlie but got pushed off or kicked off.

After 8 hours, their interactions did calm down and they laid beside each other for half an hour. So I thought I would move them to Charlie's cafe, which was cleaned and neutralized. However now it's a smaller space, there's lots of humping from both boars. Harry did seem to submit at one point, but then a few minutes later, humped Charlie's head which didn't go down well. I've had to do a temporary cool down when there was teeth chattering, but after this, they then had a sleep beside each other.

I don't know if this bonding is going to work or not. I don't want to stop it having got this far, but I also don't want either of them to get hurt. Any advice please?

As long as they just keep it to humping and are still lying next to each other, they are both showing willingness to stay together, but the dominance is still under dispute. Make sure that there are no areas where one of the boars can be caught out until the bonding has either worked or failed.
Thanks Wiebke, your advice is always greatly appreciated. :)

They have now had a nap together so I'll see how they go. The cage is bare, apart from 2 food bowls and some hay to eat. There's 2 water bottles too.
Best of luck! Watching a close run bonding is always very nerve wracking. :mal:
After that scuffle they had and a cool down, they've been quite calm, and no humping. There's lots of lying down next to each other and washing. Charlie was even grooming beneath Harry's ear. :woot:
The mutual grooming means that they have made a bond; it is likely that the dominance question has now been answered although you may see some humping etc. in the next few days as the hierarchy gets confirmed.
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